Crown shyness


307 points | by unsupported 2441 days ago


  • slackingoff2017 2441 days ago
    Another crown phenomenon

    And something that prevents many trees from being grown indoors

    Trees will lead you down a glorious wikipedia black hole.

  • donatj 2441 days ago
    This is super interesting. This is the kind of thing I enjoy on HN most, oddly.
    • zone411 2441 days ago
      You might want to check out "The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate" by Peter Wohlleben. It's an enjoyable book that covers similar topics, also available as an audiobook.
  • tptacek 2441 days ago
    Perhaps somebody else here listens to the Slate politics podcast, where John Dickerson this week spent 4 minutes describing this phenomenon.
  • roceasta 2441 days ago
    >Plants are able to sense the proximity of neighbors by sensing backscattered far-red (FR)

    Plants can see? I had no idea.

    • Mz 2441 days ago
      They also can "scream" by giving off a pulse (that humans can't hear) when attacked and can "talk" to each other by giving off chemicals when attacked by insects, thereby warning neighboring relatives to start creating protective chemicals to defend themselves.
      • thomasfoster96 2441 days ago
        > They also can "scream" by giving off a pulse (that humans can't hear) when attacked...

        Do you have a source for the ‘scream’ phenomenon?

        I am aware of (and was myself misled by) several pop-science books which confusingly tried to compare plants giving off chemicals when attacked with animals screaming. The result was that a skim read would have given one the impression that plants could make sounds inaudible to humans, which was not what was meant.

        • yorwba 2441 days ago
          Trees who suffer from drought apparently give off ultrasound when their dried cells are destroyed, but it seems to attract pests who then finish off the tree:
          • thomasfoster96 2441 days ago
            But that's the sound of the tree decaying/dying, not communicating as the GP seemed to imply.
        • Mz 2440 days ago
          Sorry, no. It was in a textbook from a college class some years ago. I no longer have the textbook and can't tell you more than that.
      • wybiral 2441 days ago
        I will never again feel safe in the woods.
        • Mz 2441 days ago
          I stopped obsessing about the supposed morality of eating meat after I learned these things. Just because you can't hear your veggies scream doesn't mean they aren't suffering.

          (There are lots of really good reasons to limit meat consumption. But, the touchy-feely appeal to "think about the suffering of the animals" is species-ist (for lack of a better word).)

          • ocb 2441 days ago
            This is getting very off topic, but I think that's a terrible basis for disregarding the ethical argument against eating meat. Why is it "species-ist" to think that mammals and other animals with highly developed nervous systems might have a conscious experience similar to our own (and not plants)?
            • joaomacp 2441 days ago
              MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW

              Oh sorry my cat just wanted to comment on this. Hope it doesn't get downvoted for not being relevant, because he has a 'conscious experience similar to our own'...

          • harryjo 2441 days ago
            The same argument leads a rational person to stop obsessing about the supposed morality of killing humans. The touchy-feely appeal to "think about the suffering of the _humans_" is likewise species-ist
            • jpttsn 2441 days ago
              So the rational path takes us to a horrible conclusion. Are you saying it's time to throw out rationality?
              • qguv 2441 days ago
                I think they're saying that you may have thrown out the baby with the bathwater. If your conclusion horrifies you—doesn't resemble what you were optimizing for—you may be optimizing for the wrong thing. Rationality isn't broken; revisit your optimization criteria. See the paperclip optimizer, the smiles optimizer, etc.
    • raldi 2441 days ago
  • magic_beans 2441 days ago
    Wow! The gaps look extraordinary. What a weird thing to learn about today!
    • andirk 2441 days ago
      Looks cool, but didn't you learn that we don't know?
      • nebabyte 2440 days ago
        He didn't say anything to the contrary.
  • wyldfire 2441 days ago
    What an interesting phenomenon! Thanks for sharing.
  • colordrops 2441 days ago
    Not sure why but this phenomenon is extremely pronounced while tripping on LSD.
    • arkis22 2441 days ago
      An easy answer would be that everything is more pronounced while tripping on LSD
      • randyrand 2441 days ago
        the absence of the phenomenon is not more pronounced.