Ask HN: How do I find people to follow on Mastodon?

36 points | by brudgers 2377 days ago


  • tbarbugli 2377 days ago
    This let's you find your friends from Twitter on Mastodon
    • miguelrochefort 2377 days ago
      This brings me back. The first website I ever built was exactly this, when Google+ first came out. I posted it on HN and got 10,000 users in just one day. Good times.
    • brudgers 2377 days ago
      Thanks. I'm not on Twitter.
  • maerF0x0 2377 days ago
    FYI: is what OP is talking about

    see also:

  • mdhughes 2377 days ago
    Look at the Federated timeline, and find people you like there. If there's a bunch from one instance, consider moving to that instance, and then you can read a local timeline of like-minded people. is sort of the newbie instance, and its local timeline is noisy and unfocused.
  • carlchenet 2377 days ago
    Awesome-Mastodon is a curated list of interesting accounts on Mastodon
  • subwayclub 2377 days ago
    Join three instances and check out their local and federated timelines. They're all different in size and character and your hit/miss rate goes way up by putting in a bit of "pavement pounding".
  • csnewb 2377 days ago
    Are you talking about the metal band?