Elon Musk Is Over-Rated


8 points | by maxmarmer 2371 days ago


  • throwahey 2371 days ago
    Way to downplay the significant success of one of the most prominent magnates in modern history.

    This blogpost certainly doesn't make you come off as a tremendous moron.

    • maxmarmer 2371 days ago
      Looks like you didn't read the first sentence.

      "Elon Musk is an amazing entrepreneur but as a World Savior he is probably the World’s most OverRated."

      • throwahey 2371 days ago
        No I read the whole thing. He has done far more than many in his position, and you are downplaying that. This type of self-gratifying, armchair criticism is precisely the thing that nobody cares to hear.
        • mysticmax 2371 days ago
          I agree he's done a lot. As an entrepreneur I think he's amazing.

          As a world savior his projects aren't up to par due to unsound philosophical axioms. That's what I'm criticizing.

          And I think his rampant idolization right now is unhealthy

          • throwahey 2371 days ago
            Did you just reply with a second account?

            I hope you weren't up-voting your own post with that...

  • noamkos 2368 days ago
    Great article! I got a lot of useful insights from this. Thanks for sharing!