• jstanley 2247 days ago
    This is cool, but doesn't seem to work properly.

    I tried it with the passwords "password", "test", "123", "12345" and it didn't report any of them as compromised, which they surely are.

    EDIT: It's because it's including a trailing endline before hashing every password. This is a serious bug.

    EDIT2: Latest version in the repo does work.

    • aant 2246 days ago
      Oh wow. Can't believe I missed that. Thank you so much! Will fix right away.
      • jstanley 2246 days ago
        I've sent a pull request.

        EDIT: Which you've now merged :)

  • endymi0n 2246 days ago
    Quick note that gopass (which is 98% drop-in API compatible with pass) does this out of the box:


    • tex0 2246 days ago
      And it supports checking passwords against the offline dumps as well as the online API. So you can choose convenience or security.
  • harryf 2246 days ago
    So I should check my passwords against some remote API I have no idea who controls to see if they've been compromised? Does this API always return true?
    • p49k 2246 days ago
      It sends the first 5 characters of the SHA-1 hash to the API, which seems reasonable. To be safe, you could check after rotating all your passwords, or I suppose you could download the raw data yourself to check directly.

      And the API is controlled by Troy Hunt, not some rando.

      • ChrisSD 2246 days ago
        Troy Hunt and people who work at Cloudflare. But yeah it depends on your threat model. If it's just a random website password than it's probably fine to check. If you're trying to keep secrets from the state then maybe not.
        • jstanley 2246 days ago
          Regardless of your threat model, you can read the code and see how it works. It's short and easy to understand. It doesn't send anything more than the first 5 characters of the SHA1 hash.
          • ChrisSD 2246 days ago
            Sure but that leaks some information about your password. SHA-1 hashes are significantly quicker to compute than a password hash (and rainbow tables exist making it even faster). So the first five characters can be used to narrow the search space.

            This is however not likely a real problem unless your threat model includes targeted attacks.

  • kevlar1818 2246 days ago
    I was also inspired to write one of these:


    I tried to incorporate Troy Hunt's advice based on the frequency of occurrences in the database.

  • mbid 2246 days ago
    If you're already using a password manager, shouldn't you be using different (random) passwords for every service anyway? What's the point then?

    I guess it makes sense to use this if you've begun using a password manager without changing your old passwords. But if possible you should really be doing that instead.

    Also, I still don't understand why Troy doesn't use a cryptographically secure hash function instead of SHA1. Say I send the (truncated) hash of one of my passwords to his service and it returns no match in his database. I then consider it secure because it's supposedly not leaked. But shouldn't I really do consider it leaked because I've revealed an insecure hash of it to a third party? What's there to lose with using a secure hash function over SHA1? Surely the one-time cost of hashing the database of passwords is negligible?

    • jstanley 2246 days ago
      Just because you're using a password manager doesn't mean none of the services you have a password on has had a leak. In such case, you'd still want to change your password on that service.
    • esnard 2246 days ago
      Thanks to k-anonimity, you never send the full hash, only the first 20 bits.
      • mbid 2246 days ago
        Yes, I know. It's certainly better to leak only the first eigth of your password than all of it, but it's still not something you should do.
  • dom96 2247 days ago
    I've done a livestream recently showing the implementation of a similar program in Nim. It's a pretty good first-time project for anyone to try in a programming language they are learning.

    Here is the video: https://youtu.be/Di2O_lIPxb4

    • aant 2247 days ago
      That's cool! Thanks for sharing!
  • bertman 2246 days ago
    There's also an implementation as a pass extension: https://github.com/benburwell/pass-audit (I'm not the author)
  • blakesterz 2246 days ago
    Thanks for this!

    In case anyone else likes ruby, someone posted a link to a ruby script that does similar checks the other day on HN.


  • asdojasdosadsa 2246 days ago
    Good work on this, finally a simple way to check if some of my passwords have been compromised ! :) Thanks!
  • virtuowl 2247 days ago
    So i guess this does not work with any salted hashes
    • aant 2247 days ago
      You're right, it doesn't work with salted hashes.