Sleep Science: In the Era of Screens, Rest Is Crucial


130 points | by gpresot 2106 days ago


  • quantum_state 2104 days ago
    The info design of the site is horrible .. playing video when there is no need and makes the reading experience one of the worst ...
  • graeme 2104 days ago
    Does anyone know of studies on whether the time of hours of sleep matters? I.e. is sleeping eight hours from 2-10 in any way worse than eight hours from 11-7?
    • TomMarius 2103 days ago
      Melatonin (the "sleep hormone") production is/was linked to time through red light. If you're staring at a screen, you need* to use a blue color filter or supplement melatonin, same with going to sleep during the day.

      * not really, most of the time the body can somehow manage, but if you're looking for quality sleep, or you have issues that you'd like to solve, you should look into it

    • travmatt 2104 days ago
      Cant currently look for a study, but IIRC the more in tune with your normal circadian rhythm the better - especially if you don’t need any alarm to wake up naturally.

      I do recall hearing overnight workers have higher incidences of cancers, disorders, etc., and I’m curious to know if that holds true for people with naturally aberrant circadian rhythms.

      • ss2003 2103 days ago
        Yes, what ever the cause of loss of sleep the effects are the same. You need to sleep for lots of brain and body maintenance.
    • Belphemur 2104 days ago
      I think they talk about it in "Why we sleep" by Matthew Walker, PhD.

      Mostly about some people are biologically programmed to be night owl and other early bird.

      The best sleep is not about what at what time you sleep but more if you follow what your biological cycle is telling you.

  • johnchristopher 2105 days ago
    Where does that title come from ? The article only has `While We Sleep, Our Mind Goes on an Amazing Journey`.
    • privong 2105 days ago
      It's the html header <title></title> entry.
    • rainbowmverse 2104 days ago
      Many (most?) big sites will try on different titles to see which one drives more traffic.
  • arez 2104 days ago
    I always remember my dreams when I did sports that day, shouldn't remembering the dreams not be a good sign?
    • agumonkey 2104 days ago
      I can't say but I always feel happy when I have dreams, even weird ones. It leaves a deep trail of calm and inspiration (makes me want to draw, or make a story out of it).
    • ss2003 2103 days ago
      Dreaming is how memories and skills are encoded in the brain. The second half of the night is more likely to involve encoding of physical skills like sports. Also more prone to nightmares.
  • throwaway180118 2105 days ago
    How do recent studies compare to computer use in the era of the CRT screen?
    • froh 2105 days ago
      Two things have substantially changed:

      CRTs don't emit that daylight-like blue spectrum.

      There is a diagram further down in the long article showing the different impact of different light sources on sleep.

      Additionally, not mentioned in the article, social network streams are deliberately constructed to increase your online time, by being 'interesting'.

      • irq 2104 days ago
        CRTs can quite capably emit daylight blue. People used to use them for photography, video games, etc. Just not typically in bed.
  • wcoenen 2104 days ago
    This website re-layouted multiple times on chrome for android, sending me back to the start of the article each time. I gave up on reading it.
  • GuerrillaBuzz 2105 days ago
    Wow, what a great discovery... sleep is crucial xD