• henryaj 2103 days ago
    Professional diversity trainer says things like "you are all invested in and collude with the system of [white supremacy]" and is surprised when people are a bit miffed.
  • nitwit005 2103 days ago
    I notice articles like this never seem to address what happens when they confront non-whites about similarly held beliefs.

    I somehow suspect they won't react very differently.

  • wycs 2103 days ago
    What a delightfully Kafkaesk way to make a living.
  • mwilliaams 2103 days ago
    I don't want to see this kind of article on hacker news, or anywhere else.
  • jstalin 2103 days ago
    In the name of anti-racism, engage in racism. Got it.
  • lskjdflksdjf 2103 days ago