Show HN: Radium – A tool to search for cheat sheets, snippets etc.

Radium is a platform (client and optional server) for viewing reference articles, cheat sheets, snippets etc. written in Golang. Supports, tldr, learn-x-in-y-minutes, wikipedia, duckduckgo and other radium servers (a distributed setup) as sources.

17 points | by shivaprasad 2041 days ago


  • asdkhadsj 2041 days ago
    Really cool!

    I've been writing a knowledge (cheatsheet/etc) thing but sourced from personal writing. Library integration with Radium would be amazing, cool project!

    • shivylp 2041 days ago
      Thanks :). If you think it would fit into radium, send a PR. Would be more than happy to merge it. I was planning to create another git repository containing markdown files in some parsable format and integrate that with radium so that anyone can contribute easily.