The Greatest Use of Life: On William James


39 points | by samclemens 2010 days ago


  • bshepard 2007 days ago
    It's interesting how biographers and scholars have closeted, seemingly successfully, William James, even after the revelation of the closeting of his brother should've alerted writers to the queer content of both James' work, and the significance of the repression of said content after the Wilde trial.....
  • gcb0 2008 days ago
    don't bother. jornalism trying to summarize philosophy... not to mention way off ttopic here. not sure why this is on the front page with only a dozen points.
    • benbreen 2008 days ago
      You're free to dislike the article, but I figured I'd point out that the author is a professional philosopher, not a journalist. The bio states that he's "professor of philosophy at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. He is the author of American Philosophy: A Love Story (2016), and his latest book is Hiking with Nietzsche (2018)."