Show HN: A JavaScript Handbook


239 points | by flaviocopes 1985 days ago


  • nickcw 1985 days ago
    I've been reading this book. I'm about 50% of the way through now.

    I learnt JavaScript a long time ago so I wanted something to get me up to speed with ES6 and above. The book succeeds admirably here. It is a little bit repetitive in places, but for free I'm not going to complain about that.

    If you are reading this Flavio Copes - thank you :-)

    • movedx 1985 days ago
      This is great to read. I played with JavaScript many years ago (over 10 now I think) and need to get into VueJS very soon. It sounds like this book will help.
    • gremlinsinc 1985 days ago
      I feel the same way...I'm about half way through..been doing tons of Vuejs work lately (vue + laravel), but it does help cement some little things I 'see' in tutorials or stackoverflow and didn't fully grok. It's a good handbook to 'fill in the pieces'....
    • flaviocopes 1985 days ago
      Thanks a lot! I'm happy to see you appreciate it!
    • jiaxiangcheng 1985 days ago
  • redmattred 1985 days ago
    Direct link to the book without having to provide your email address:
    • movedx 1985 days ago
      Please support the author in their endeavour. Sign up with your email to get the book. It's a small ask for a big win.
      • flaviocopes 1985 days ago
        Thank you! People underestimate how difficult it is to emerge as an independent content producer. It's not the first time I share something in this way and every time someone pops up with this generous offer to the other readers. I don't mind as I might get less throwaway accounts in the list :) but if the topic is of any interest to you, my email newsletter is nothing but more similar content.
        • birksherty 1983 days ago
          I tried to sign up. But when google decides I am not human even after 2 correct captcha, I closed the tab and used the above link. I avoid that google nonsense as much possible.
        • movedx 1984 days ago
          Good on ya mate. Keep going and remember: the nay sayers simply aren't your market. Just move on from them and only pay attention to the people being positive.
    • mcs_ 1985 days ago
      Sure it is possible but why?
  • epicide 1985 days ago
    Personally, I'd much rather see a "pay what you want" (even with a minimum of a couple bucks) type of system rather than compulsory email newsletters [0].

    You can still have the newsletter of course (and even give away copies for signing up). Just please don't have it as the ONLY way to get the full book :)

    [0]: Of course I'm aware of mailinator, but why waste both our time, in that case?

    • e12e 1985 days ago
      Agreed. Or at least an option to pay, without email registration. It's not that I can't block spam - it's more: I'm not interested in some newsletter - and I don't understand why you want me to sign up. I assume there's some kind of upsell planned - but surely getting paid ten to twenty dollars (or more) for the epub is a viable option? If the alternative is a newsletter that goes straight to /dev/null?
      • epicide 1985 days ago
        > It's not that I can't block spam - it's more: I'm not interested in some newsletter - and I don't understand why you want me to sign up.

        Exactly. I've been burned by the whole "it's free so just sign up and cancel later". Not that this is exactly the case here.

        My email address obviously has monetary value to them, so I'm immediately curious as to why, exactly. When I can just pay money, it eliminates an entire class of concerns [0].

        [0]: i.e. "what are they doing with my email?", "do they filter out Mailinator?", "am I robbing them of their income if I use Mailinator?"

        • flaviocopes 1985 days ago
          That's interesting! In my case I'm an independent publisher and this "product" lets me step into a possible group of people that might never know about me otherwise. Someone that might appreciate other work I do, in the same topic, which I distribute through my newsletter (I try to create a useful set of resources every week, as a full-time effort). I'm more interested on providing value on the long term rather than making a quick buck with "pay as you want". Of course all the usual throwaway domains are then filtered out :)
          • epicide 1985 days ago
            For many reasons, I would love to hear more about your model.

            Just be aware that I (and others) are immediately on guard whenever something asks for email (or any personal info, for that matter). _Especially_ if that info is a barrier to something like a book. For better or for worse, it looks an awful lot like the typical email-harvesting-for-spam techniques.

            > making a quick buck with "pay as you want"

            If you're writing books and people are getting value out of them, I'd argue you deserve even more than a quick buck. Don't sell yourself short.

            I don't think anybody would see pay what you want as a cash grab, either.

  • paraditedc 1985 days ago
    I find it odd that it starts with ES6(arrow functions), ES2016, etc and then moved to basics like variables and functions.

    I guess it works for people with enough experience, but still, I find it odd.

    Anyway it is free so I can't complain too much, subscribed.

    • tokyodude 1985 days ago
      I don't get the incessant desire for terseness by seemingly the majority of programmers. Terse != better. I'd much rather see

          area = width * height

          a = w * h
      As a simple example but it seems most programmers feel some sense of accomplishment the using the least number of characters and lines possible with no though to readability or maintainability.

      I'd much rather see

          const areaOfRect = rect.width * rect.height;
          const areaOfCircle = Math.PI * circle.radius ** 2;
          if (areaOfRect > areaOfCircle) { ...

          if (rect.width * rect.height > Math.PI * circle.radius ** 2) { 

      Even more controversial I'm not sure I like the new common pattern of destructuring as in

          const {first, last, address, phone} = props;
          <div class="name">{first} {last}</div>
          <div class="address">{address}</div>
          <div class="phone">{phone}</div>

          <div class="name">{props.first} {props.last}</div>
          <div class="address">{props.address}</div>
          <div class="phone">{}</div>
      Because the second style provides more info on each line. I know where the various values are coming from where as I don't with the first style.
      • netcraft 1985 days ago
        I was with you on 1 and 2, but you lost me on 3. In the props example, where it came from is generally not your concern when you are reading or modifying those lines - and when you do have that concern about where they come from, the destructuring version is easy to follow. Personal preferences to be sure though.
      • jimison 1985 days ago
        I feel many fluent API's are guilty of something similar. You gain terse, one-line magic statements that accomplish a lot; you lose discoverability and meaningful object-oriented class names.

        For example, ElasticSearch's NEST API client uses a fluent-style API to setup configuration and mappings. It started out well, but then I got lost in a forest of nested callbacks on various mystery objects. It was a bizarre way to build what should have been a tree of strongly-typed POCO's that have a 1-to-1 correlation with the server-side concepts. Worse, I didn't see a way to dynamically manipulate the (hidden) result. Better to use the low-level API and a little reflection to compose the required JSON manually.

        [On the other hand, I can think of successful fluent API's: .NET's StringBuilder works because it is super simple (only returning instances of itself). The IEnumerable extension methods (created to support LINQ) work because their broad-applicability justifies the effort to learn.]

      • porphyrogene 1985 days ago
        In my experience no one likes seeing single-letter variable names (except for i, but I have even heard criticism of using e to represent an error). As for your second example, whether it provides clarity or convenience is entirely situational. If you have a long render method then specifying that a variable is coming from props may be helpful but the most common standards call for props to be passed to a functional component that has a single responsibility, i.e. destructuring props and rendering its respective values.

        Sorry if I missed something but I also don't see an endorsement of bad variable names in the OP's handbook. The comment just seems a little out of place, thought I mostly agree with it.

      • nimonian 1985 days ago
        I prefer a = w * h. I actually wish I didn't, but I studied a mathematics undergrad, and when I see the token 'area' it means, to me, the concept of area, whereas 'a' is a variable which represents the quantity in context.

        Indeed, it's more common to write 'let the area be a, the width be w and the height h; then a = w * h' than it is to write 'area = with * height' when expositing in a maths textbook. This is a really hard habit for me to get out of, even when writing code.

        • yen223 1984 days ago
          Readability is subjective. There's no universal notion of "readability". Code that looks perfectly fine to one person, might looks like pure gobbledy-gook to the other. It's important to recognize that, whenever we're talking about "code readability".
      • simplify 1985 days ago
        On your last point, it's easier to see all props the component depends on when you destructure them upfront like that.
  • PhrosTT 1985 days ago
    This looks pretty legit. Seems like a good "If you know how to code this is where JS is at right now."

    Source: I call myself a "Front End Engineer".

  • snek 1985 days ago
    I can see using oversized fonts is a bit of a pattern with this author.
    • stronglikedan 1985 days ago
      Maybe it's just that they like regular sized fonts on undersized pages?
      • PopeDotNinja 1985 days ago
        Those fonts are pretty big.

        Source: can read them without my glasses :)

        • sjrd 1985 days ago
          > Source: can read them without my glasses :)

          I can't :-p

    • ropable 1985 days ago
      This isn't (much of) a dig at the author, but yeah: I can't even read "The Javascript Handbook" heading on a 1920x1200 monitor.
    • tomcam 1985 days ago
      I can see ignoring the needs of visually impaired users is a pattern with the parent poster
      • hamptydumpty 1985 days ago
        Well, everyone is free to adapt the font size to their needs but those fonts are pretty huge.
  • horstschneider 1982 days ago
    Thanks for the book, its clear and to the point.

    A little feedback:

    1) I find the description of the different standards (ES2015 - ES2018) to be inconsistent. ES2015 provides a summary of new features as a bullet point list, each item being a jump link to the detailed description. ES2016 and ES2017 do have the summary but no more jump links and ES2018 does not have the summary at all. I think it would be better to navigate if each chapter had the linked summary.

    2) I guess in ES2017 the trailing comma description is missing a trailing comma:

      This feature allows to have trailing commas in function declarations, and in functions calls:
      const doSomething = (var1, var2) => {
      doSomething('test2', 'test2')
    At least I can not see a trailing comma there.

    3) Unicode property escapes (p. 33ff) examples do have a comment at the end of each line which I guess is supposed to tell you whether the match will be true or false, but all comments are empty (in the pdf version).

    4) The template literal interpolation example on page 69 is invalid syntax

      const var = 'test'
      const string = `something ${var}` //something test
    as var is a reserved keyword and can not be used as a variable name.

    5) On pages 76-77, for some reason the formatted code looks different to all other code snippets (and it doesn't look good either as it is too huge and kind of blurred)

  • css 1985 days ago
    FYI to the author, Privacy Badger hides the signup elements on the page because it’s served from a third party marketing CDN.
  • primitivesuave 1985 days ago
    Thank you, this was actually tremendously useful for me because you used simple language/short sentences and are quite thorough. My only remark is that if your intended audience is more on the beginner side, they will likely lose focus early on during the initial history lesson. However if your intended audience is actually me, I found it fascinating and appreciate you making this great free resource!
    • flaviocopes 1985 days ago
      Great to hear, I'm happy you enjoyed it so far :)
  • adobeeee 1985 days ago
    Is there a JavaScript book that only covers the "modern" topics of JS (+DOM API where applicable) My knowledge is probably from 2008
  • acutesoftware 1984 days ago
    Thanks for this - really nice to read, and cleared up a lot of things I have seen and didn't really get.

    A couple of typos: Page 103 of PDF under "Event bubbling and event capturing" Bubbling and capturing are the 2 models that events use to propagate. Suppose you DOM structure is

    should be Suppose your DOM structure is

    Page 153 of PDF under "Operators > Arithmetic operators" It shows Division ( but should have been the / symbol

  • NullPrefix 1985 days ago
    Hey. Thanks for the book.

    Btw, page 25. I assume this is some pdf exporting error:

      'test'.padStart(8)  ' test'
    • flaviocopes 1985 days ago
      Thank you! I didn't notice it
  • Moru 1985 days ago
    It would have been great as a normal homepage, the pdf format is a bit hard to read on the phone while on the buss :)
  • matmo 1985 days ago
    Nice, this was a good refresher on some of the lesser known parts of the newer specs.

    +1 for explaining the event loop and job queues

    -1 for no semi-colons though (kidding ;))

    • gremlinsinc 1985 days ago
      Ha... I give him +2 for no semicolons.. the only time they hurt me is when I jump back to php and start forgetting to add them... lol
  • barberousse 1985 days ago
    Anyone else getting a bad cert error in Chrome opening this address?
    • neogodless 1985 days ago
      I do, but I happen to know that our corporate firewall intercepts dropbox and other cloud storage sites.
  • modzu 1985 days ago
    well there's one very obvious ommission: no mention of Brendan Eich?
    • flaviocopes 1985 days ago
      That's definitely an omission on my part, that's an interesting story and a needed attribution. Will add in a revision soon!
    • modzu 1985 days ago
      for the downvoters, maybe the author's name should be scrubbed from his little book too? wtf
      • michael_michael 1985 days ago
        Can't speak for the downvoters, but the omission of Eich is kind of a trivial point to nitpick on. At this point I've probably read the 'Brendan Eich created Javascript in 10 days' story 50 times—and even heard it once from the man himself. I would be perfectly fine if Javascript books from here on out saved a few pages worth of dead trees and simply said "For more info on Javascript's creation, visit"
        • porphyrogene 1985 days ago
          I agree. This seems to focus on practical information rather than the history of the language itself. How is the name of the language's creator something that you need on hand while working with the language? It is a handbook, after all.
        • colejohnson66 1985 days ago
        • modzu 1985 days ago
          im not suggesting a chapter on it, just a basic attribution or citation would be good (ettiquette).

          anyway i did enjoy the concise style of the handbook. well done!

  • keepsmiling 1985 days ago
    don't waste your time with that.