Show HN: Rebuilt My CSS Grid Generator with Vue.js


17 points | by rofko 1987 days ago


  • snapscape 1987 days ago
    I discovered this a few days ago, and have already used it a few times. Seems to be a lot easier to use than other generators. The only problem I've had is when you add prefixes to the grid names, and then create a CodePen, the prefixes don't show up in the CodePen.
  • loarabia 1987 days ago
    Edge fails in the below code on TrimEnd with this message

    Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0

    Object doesn't support property or method 'trimEnd'

    : function createTemplateArr(number) { return '1fr ' .repeat(number) .trimEnd() .split(' ') }

    MDN's compat chart doesn't make clear if Edge supports this or not but manual experimentation suggests not although trimRight is supported so a possible polyfill. I filed a bug against Edge just now.

  • tomtimtall 1987 days ago
    Chrome iPhone, just seeing purple nothing else.
  • iandev 1985 days ago
    On Safari 11.1.1 TypeError: "1fr ".repeat(e).trimEnd is not a function.
  • mfontani 1987 days ago
    > TypeError: "1fr ".repeat(...).trimEnd is not a function

    Firefox 60 ESR

  • BobRun 1987 days ago
    Firefox on UBUNTU , there is nothing to see.
  • daze42 1987 days ago
    Seems to break if the names have spaces
  • gitgud 1987 days ago
    Chrome Android, cannot add text