New ‘past’ link on HN front page


350 points | by Y_Y 1879 days ago


  • HelloFellowDevs 1879 days ago
    I'm actually really interested in this addition. I'm just going back to 'big' days, such as financial crash. When I started HS when I finished HS, when I started College. A few articles are interesting, it's definitely better than bumbling around Algolia.

    Edit: One great link is this one

    > Google Making Extraordinary Counteroffers To Stop Flow Of Employees To Facebook [1]


    • polishTar 1879 days ago
      >>no reason their stock won’t hit $100 billion in total valuation over the next couple of years.

      >That's got to be a joke.

      Love it!

  • MilnerRoute 1879 days ago
    I like it. It seems to surface more unusually good stories -- but is that a problem?

    Won't the list end up dominated by a handful of winner-take-all stories, lingering throughout the entire day at the top of the list, rather than an ongoing series of slightly-less-popular stories popping in and out?

    If there's always going to be better stories with the "sorted by time spent" view, does that create a danger that everyone will just devote their attention to those few high-grade stories, and ignore all of the rest?

    • dang 1879 days ago
      It's just a list of past front pages. Once each day is over, its front page never changes. Does that answer your question?

      (Well, it's not exactly a list of past front pages, because what appears on /front was never the actual front page at any point. Since that's always changing, we take a kind of average.)

      • MilnerRoute 1879 days ago
        Yeah, I was confused about how this works. But if the link appears at the bottom of the page, then this new page will be more of an afterthought (after reading the current front page and upvoting its stories at that moment in time).
  • dang 1879 days ago
    Not new; just the link at the top is new. The hard part was what to call it. Since the point is to give people more to read, 'more' seemed right.

    Edit: Oh, also: "more" fits with the "More" links you see at the bottom of the front page and other places, clicking which takes you back to previous posts.

    Edit 2: Ok, you guys have convinced me you don't like "more", so let's go with "past". That word is overloaded with 'past' links that point to HN searches, but perhaps those meanings are compatible.

    • sigvef 1879 days ago
      I guess an answer would be to call it "old", given its placement next to "new" (and the fact that it lets you browse old stories).
      • shpx 1879 days ago
        or "past".
        • dang 1878 days ago
          Ok, we'll go with that for now.

          I rejected it originally because there are already 'past' links on thread pages that point to HN Search, but perhaps those meanings are compatible.

          • scott_s 1878 days ago
            I think it works well. The context seems clear to me, since the top text is time-based.
          • aboutruby 1878 days ago
            Thanks for the reordering also.
        • Wowfunhappy 1879 days ago
          I like both of these options (more than "more")
          • dmix 1879 days ago
            It’s neither past nor old but rather it shows the full current day first. Rather top posted grouped by day. So maybe a new ‘top’ IMO.
        • pavlov 1879 days ago
          Since it looks up a specific day, how about “pastdays”.
          • Wowfunhappy 1879 days ago
            I think they’re trying to keep each nav item a single word.
            • gregknicholson 1878 days ago
              • DoreenMichele 1878 days ago
                I like it. But it seems to default to today's date with options to readily explore "this date in history."

                So I will suggest: Date

                Alternately, I will suggest Top since it defaults to Stories from (today's date), ordered by how long they were on the front page.

                Hopefully if enough people toss out suggestions, one will turn out to be a real improvement over more.

                Maybe Explore?

      • inopinatus 1879 days ago
        I think it’s a perfect opportunity to hackerishly use "car | cdr" or "head | tail"
    • chmaynard 1879 days ago
      Thanks! Just a reminder, don't forget to add a "hide" button under each post. Some of us use "hide" a lot. :)
      • tedmiston 1879 days ago
        Just curious what purpose you use hide for? It's a feature I've always kinda ignored. (If I don't want to see a story, I just keep scrolling.)
        • ShamelessC 1879 days ago
          It's good for personal bookkeeping. Whether you've already read a story, the comments or just have no interest - it's nice to get off your page so you don't have the unnecessary clutter and/or distraction.
      • dang 1879 days ago
        Ok, added.
        • nmstoker 1879 days ago
          BTW: If there was something to reduce accidental hits on hide and flag, that would be great.

          On mobile touch screens, being right under the main links they can get hit a surprising number of times and then you've got to go fumble around to undo it.

          Maybe a "comfortable" setting a la Gmail?

          • brazzledazzle 1879 days ago
            It keeps the normies away.

            Just kidding (mostly).

      • pbhjpbhj 1879 days ago
        Oh, there's a hide button ...!
    • scott_s 1879 days ago
      On the name question, perhaps: previously. As in when tv shows continuing a story was novel, and they'd do a "Previously, on Buffy..."
      • dang 1879 days ago
        I like it, except that it's too long.
        • Deimorz 1879 days ago
          Maybe "top", since it's the top posts from that date?

          I think "more" is a confusing choice because you already have a "More" link at the bottom of the page that goes to the next page.

        • coderintherye 1879 days ago
          "Afore" would be nice, but it's too esoteric. How about "Ahead" ? Synonym of previously, as well as goes with the idea, like "Go ahead and read another story"
          • e12e 1879 days ago
            That, or: "ere". Length equal to "new" :)
        • muterad_murilax 1879 days ago
          What about "previous"? Same length as "comments".
        • zakki 1879 days ago
          What about “Prev”?
        • oneeyedpigeon 1879 days ago
          What about just 'recent'?
          • Insanity 1879 days ago
            But what if you go back 5 years?
        • open-source-ux 1879 days ago
          Some other alternatives:

          - By Date

          - Date

          - Rewind

          - History (confusing?)

          - Archive

          - Old (new | old)

          • raw_creations 1879 days ago
            i think -Recap should be on that list, since it really is a recap of what's happening.
          • Fnoord 1879 days ago
            Time Machine (tm)


        • chrismorgan 1879 days ago
    • hanoz 1879 days ago
      Surely "top" would be more suitable. Now when I want the second page of "more" I have to ask for more more.
      • chrisfosterelli 1879 days ago
        On seeing the title I clicked the "more" button on the bottom of the front page and was confused why it seemed the same.
      • dang 1879 days ago
        I would say "top" has different connotations.

        More more doesn't seem so bad? It's between more and more more more.

      • ngokevin 1879 days ago
        Yeah, feels more like a "top". The current homepage is like Reddit's "hot", and the new "more" is like Reddit's "top".
    • tivert 1879 days ago
      How do you compute "time spent there?"
      • Karlax 1879 days ago
        I believe it just means how long the entry stayed on the front page. There shouldn't be anything special about computing this number.
        • tivert 1879 days ago
          Ah, that makes sense. I'd initially interpreted it as some kind of engagement metric.
          • dang 1879 days ago
            Yes, I see how that was ambiguous. Have changed the language—is it clearer now?

            If anyone can figure out how to make it shorter, let me know. It feels a bit wordy now.

          • jfarlow 1879 days ago
            yep - I missed that concept too.

            "...ordered by {time spent there}->(how long it was on the front page)"

    • karaokeyoga 1879 days ago
      How about "prior"?
      • dang 1879 days ago
        Hmm. I like that! It's bookish but not pretentious.


    • testplzignore 1879 days ago
      It's organized by days, so how about "daily"? Nice short word that is intuitive to me.
      • em-bee 1879 days ago
        or daily top / top daily
    • eslaught 1879 days ago
      Seems like an archive feature? Since you can go back to see the contents of front pages from previous days. But "Front Page Archive" doesn't necessary condense well into single word unless you're going to call it /archive.
    • digitaltrees 1879 days ago
      Snapshot. Or Time Capsule. It’s really like a glimpse of the most important news on that specific day. More just feels like moving to the next page.

      Really cool concept in my opinion; no matter what the name is.

      • O1111OOO 1879 days ago
        Agree. More is too often used to display 'more options', which is what I thought this was going to be. I tailgated on your Snapshot and "Time Capsule" suggestions (which I liked) to try to find other one word alternatives. Came up with the following:

        cache, record, timecard, log, chronicle, registry, diary, chronology, timeline, calendar, register, log and archive.

        I'm partial to snapshot, archive and timeline - as one word substitutes.

    • em-bee 1879 days ago
      i would have picked today or maybe front.

      more could be confused with the more link at the bottom and it doesn't really tell the whole story.

      i discovered front by accident when the above announcement came up in a search, and i have been using it ever since to keep up with the top hits of the day. it actually helps me to read less and limit my time on hackernews.

    • clhodapp 1879 days ago
      Personally, I would call it "time" as a dual-meaning single word that references both the ability to go to a specific day and the fact that it is computed based on time spent (and maybe also "go here if you find yourself with some extra time to sink in").
    • LeoPanthera 1879 days ago
      Shouldn't the URL slug also be "more", then?
      • dang 1879 days ago
        /front seems like the right URL for what's there. But we can't put a 'front' link on the front page.
        • em-bee 1879 days ago
          it may look odd, but hackernews readers are inquisitive, and will check it out. on the other hand i would guess that most will ignore more thinking it's the same as the more link at the bottom.

          actually the problem with front is not on the front page but on all others where it will make people think that it goes to the front page...

    • galfarragem 1879 days ago
      It would be more clear to call it time travel.
    • meesterdude 1879 days ago
      would "browse" be a poor description? given the functionality to move back/forward.
    • Theodores 1879 days ago
      'digest' as in 'Reader's Digest' and what has already been digested.
    • meesterdude 1878 days ago
      Past is better. Not great, but better than more. Thanks for listening!
    • faitswulff 1879 days ago
      Are new features still implemented in Arc?
      • dang 1879 days ago
    • jahewson 1879 days ago
      At least it’s not called “less”.
      • em-bee 1879 days ago
        well, i do use /front to spend less time on hn, so that would actually work for me :-)
    • animex 1878 days ago
      déjà vu
  • eterps 1879 days ago
    Only now I realized that I use for so many years that I have come to think of it as the actual HN front page. It's hard to imagine something better.
    • wilkystyle 1879 days ago
      Yes! I love, and the ability to come back later in the day and catch up on anything that was on the front page, and not worry about missing out.

      I also echo the sentiment of being used to that site as the HN homepage.

    • andirk 1879 days ago
      Do you mean that we're not all typings ? That's kind of tripping me out. And where is this new 'more' button?
      • empyrical 1879 days ago
        I personally use
      • TeMPOraL 1879 days ago
        Are you? I'm just typing new<ret>. Or not even that; HN is often just CTRL+SHIFT+T away...
        • a-wu 1879 days ago
          For me just typing "n" suffices for autocomplete....maybe I should pay more attention to my habits.
      • Fnoord 1879 days ago
        I type hack or hacker or hacker n (depending on other history). URL bar does the rest.
    • redsparrow 1879 days ago
      For me the front page is the "last 24 hours" view on

      It can also show the stories from arbitrary periods including single days like in the new "more" feature being discussed but it orders them by points rather than how long they were on the (real) front page.

    • yread 1879 days ago
      Lately, I have a feeling that hckrnews surfaces the wrong type of posts - stuff that quickly reaches 3 points. But it's often flamebait, clickbait or some useless drama. I often go back to the home page to find posts that don't appear on hckrnews but are quite interesting in a niche or need to be fully digested to appreciate.

      That said I also love hckrnews for checking what's new after a longer time

    • zer 1879 days ago
      I use

      I believed it to be more popular but it seems no one has mentioned that site so far...

      • benbristow 1879 days ago
        The colour scheme is painful. Both on 'day' mode and night mode
  • J_cst 1879 days ago
    I feel that the top navigation "more" link could be renamed into "popular by date" or "yesterday's popular". Those labels appear more accurate to me and better convey the functionality of the current top "more" link. Moreover having two links with the same name on the same page which behave differently seems misleading.
    • arendtio 1879 days ago
      In fact, I was wondering why someone would want to change the 'More' link at the bottom of the page. Took me a moment to realize there is another one in the header now.
    • OJFord 1879 days ago
      Or 'old' - it's already next to 'new'.
  • Waterluvian 1879 days ago
    I love that HN doesn't change for change's sake. One problem I have with tech orgs is that inevitably their designers will find work to do, necessary or not.

    So when things do change, I like that it's very methodical and usually quite minor.

    • zeotroph 1879 days ago
      Methodical or just overly cautious? It took ages to get the `[-]`/collapse tree link, and the other IMO obvious QoL improvement -- a 'parent' link to a) get to the root node of a discussion tree that no longer interests the reader and then to b) use the mentioned '[-]' to collapse it all -- might take even longer.
  • rprameshwor 1879 days ago
    2007-02-18 seems to be the day it started.

    Out of curiosity : Under a particular day's story, why do we see stories from the next day too ?

    Eg : This shows some post from 02-22 too.

    • dang 1879 days ago
      That does seem odd. I'll look into it.

      Edit: it's because the /front pages were dividing up days differently than the story timestamps, which use UTC. I've made everything use UTC now.

  • badfrog 1879 days ago
    What's the difference between?


    I didn't know the latter existed until right now.

    • dang 1879 days ago
      The first one is in the present and the second shows how it was in the past.
  • franky47 1879 days ago
    I like the "Time Machine" feature of going back 1 (to N) year(s) in the past, it brings a lot of insight as to how technologies and trends evolved (for those of us who have only recently joined Hacker News).
    • natebleker 1879 days ago
      This is one area when the functionally can really be improved over what reddit implements. Having a moving window of time to sort within is an amazingly useful feature for sorting out trends or lost articles. The expanded granularity would be very much appreciated.
      • EamonnMR 1879 days ago
        Also with Reddit being able to trace causality between memes and such would be interesting.
  • WrtCdEvrydy 1879 days ago
    This is broken... when I put in tomorrow's date, it says it doesn't have that data....
  • komali2 1879 days ago
    I don't understand what I'm looking at, other than the option to view the page as it appeared a day, month, or year back... or a day in the future somehow?
    • throway88989898 1879 days ago
      Normal HN but time-bound: front page as it appeared on day x. Submissions ordered by time spent in the front page.

      I think the message on top takes too much space and would prefer something like

      <y <d <m (2019-02-22) d> m> y>


      <<< << < (2019-02-22) > >> >>>


      < < < (2019-02-22) > > >

      But that's just me.

      • O_H_E 1879 days ago
        I like these first two suggestions
  • gnicholas 1879 days ago
    I'm curious how the algorithm works, as it doesn't seem to work as I'd expected.

    My first thought was to go back and look at the day I launched my startup with at Show HN [1], which got over 700 points and was at #1 from roughly noon to 2 AM the next day (PT). Sure enough, this post shows up in the #2 slot on the day I posted it (Sept 5, 2013) [2], but it doesn't show up at all on the following day [3].

    This is strange because it was at #1 at the beginning of this day (assuming that's midnight PT) and was on the front page for much of that day. Even when you go hundreds of entries down into the Sept 6 page, it doesn't show up.

    Any idea how the algorithm works that it's generating these results?




    • dang 1879 days ago
      We only started logging the front page on 2014-11-11. For days before that, what you're seeing is the stories which were submitted on that day, ordered by vote score. (Not necessarily publicly visible points, though, because some votes get dropped for various reasons.) Since your story was submitted on Sept 5, 2013, that's the day it shows up.

      If you look at vs., you'll notice that the text description changes at the top.

      • gnicholas 1878 days ago
        Thanks, that makes sense!
    • atoko 1879 days ago
      It’s probably rendering what would be “front page” given the same data but with today’s engine.

      It would be interesting to see how everything is being cached for a particular day, though.

      • gnicholas 1879 days ago
        That’s certainly a possibility, and it’s quite possible that the current algorithm either has more gravity or is not as favorable to Show HN posts. Either change would explain why this particular post would be treated as if it hadn’t been on the front page at all on the day after posting.

        If this is the case, it should be clarified that this feature uses the current algorithm, which may not reflect how things ranked on a given day.

  • dangwu 1879 days ago
    Any plans to update the official Hacker News API? I’d love more features, such as ability to reply and upvote, but more importantly, the API currently requires using a really old version of Firebase SDK. The rest API is an alternative, but it doesn’t work well due to the design of the API needing a whole network call per post/comment.
    • dang 1879 days ago
      We're going to replace it with a new API that just gives a JSON version of any HN URL. Will that work?
      • dangwu 1879 days ago
        That would be incredible. Please give substantial warning before taking down the Firebase API though!
        • dang 1879 days ago
          We will. But can you be specific? How long would count as substantial warning?
          • dangwu 1878 days ago
            I’d say allow at least 3 months overlap between releasing the JSON API and killing the Firebase API. 6+ months would be ideal. Lots of apps need updating!
      • FiveSquared25 1879 days ago
        Yes dang, thank you!
  • aboutruby 1879 days ago
    I'm curious what's the reasoning behind adding this link? To me it makes HN much easier to catch up. I see this as the "slow media" movement:
  • valentinvieriu 1879 days ago
    I like to explore it more visually. Is that something you might consider adding in the future? ( I’m the author of )
    • tedmiston 1879 days ago
      The rendered screenshots are a super nice feature.

      I have a few dozen HN apps (yours included) saved in this Pinboard collection for those looking for more alternative clients.

      • miki123211 1879 days ago
        I wish there was a hn viewer integrated with Outline. something like, for each new article on front, check whether it can be outlined and, if it can, just display it without redirecting to the original site. That would protect against slashdotted sites, paywalls, annoying gdpr consent pop ups, sorry but we don't like europe pages, all kinds of tracking and js heavy websites (especially if you're on i.e. Lynx) etc. This could be done either by redirecting to the Outline website or using its API (see the network traffic for details on how it works). Also a HN that would be essentially a list of check boxes ordered by time and an "add selected to Pocket" button would be nice too.
        • tedmiston 1879 days ago
          Both of those ideas sound awesome.

          I am a heavy Instapaper user but really liking Outline / Hypothesis lately.

          • miki123211 1879 days ago
            What's hypothesis? Tried searching for it on Google but couldn't find anything, as it's such a common word.
            • tedmiston 1879 days ago
              Hypothesis is the company who makes the open highlighter / web annotation software on Outline. [I believe they also run Outline but I can't find this made apparent anywhere. It could be that Outline just uses the Hypothesis annotator client.]

              If you register for a free account on Hypothesis (sometimes stylized, you can leave private or public highlights and annotations while reading on Outline, and if you install their browser extension on any webpage.

              Genius (YC S11) (formerly Rap Genius) started down the path of creating a global web annotator but pivoted into a media company to monetize. Hypothesis is basically what Genius could have become if they continued with the vision of annotating the entire web and fully built out the product. The company itself is a non-profit and their code is open source.




              • miki123211 1878 days ago
                If I were them, I wouldn't publish the fact that they're running outline very widely considering the dirty tricks that service employs, i.e. to show wsj articles to non-subscribers etc. I like the fact that someone finally has the guts, but if I were them, I wouldn't reveal myself that easily.
  • the_duke 1879 days ago
    The most important feature that HN would need in my opinion is a "top of last X" view, as Reddit introduced with the redesign.

    It's MUCH to easy to miss interesting stories if you don't check the site at least twice a day.

  • sjroot 1879 days ago
    It would be cool to see links from previous days/months/years point to an archived version of the link (if possible). If you go back a substantial amount of time, you end up hitting a lot of broken links.
  • tekkk 1879 days ago
    I think the UI is kinda awkward to use. If I want to input a specific date I have to manipulate the URL? Gets really annoying with mobile. Also it would be nice to somehow see the past dates somehow visualized. Maybe how much total activity there was per day, or what types of topics were discussed. Now I am just going blind without any sense of direction what lies ahead. It's very refreshing feature and all but I will probably only use it for past day's submissions since going farther fishing for interesting submissions is too laborious.
  • DiabloD3 1879 days ago
    It'd be nice if the "title" field of the link submit form would have a tiny little bit of javascript to count how many characters are in the field.
    • dang 1878 days ago
      It does if you go over 80, which is the limit. Does that not suffice?
      • DiabloD3 1878 days ago
        I've never seen it do it. EFF headlines are notoriously long and a PITA to edit if I can't see what I'm doing.
  • wunderg 1879 days ago
    I like “more” on top, it does makes sense. The link on the bottom perhaps should be renamed to next to avoid confusion.

    Just my 2 cents!

  • skibz 1879 days ago
    I wrote a browser extension a while ago that adds more of these lesser known HN pages to the nav. I like having a way to get to all of them individually from the top of every page.

  • ggm 1879 days ago
    Isn't it confusing to have the word [more] twice on the front page, but doing different things depending on if its at the top or the bottom?

    I like the function, but some how "by date" feels more "more" than "more" does.

  • davidjnelson 1879 days ago
    This is cool, thank you! Would “days” be a good name as it allows you to browse a set of days?

    It doesn’t seem like posts you’ve hidden from the front page are reflected here. I guess they don’t really need to be since this is more archival in nature.

    • dang 1879 days ago
      Hmm, maybe they should be. I'll make a note to look at that.
  • hombre_fatal 1879 days ago
    This is great. I always wished I could see front pages from the past.

    The only downside is that getting bored of the current front page is sometimes the only reason I get off HN when I'm procrastinating and this makes it easier to prolong that. :)

  • rasikjain 1879 days ago
    Interesting!! Very first day of HN has 10 posts.

  • forgotmypw 1879 days ago
    Cool! I just found this feature yesterday or the day before, thanks to a post listing all the less documented HN features.

    Have you found the new placement to be affecting the site/database load at all?

  • kgwxd 1879 days ago
    Any chance all the lists[1] will get their own RSS feeds?


    • tedmiston 1879 days ago
      Kinda surprised someone hasn't built that already on top of the existing API.
      • miki123211 1879 days ago
        see I use it along with an iOS shortcut that retrieves the articles for me, concatenates to a big txt file, uploads to dropbox so that I can read later on whatever I want and automatically starts reading with the build-in tts.
  • Insanity 1879 days ago
    I like the feature but the name is not great :) As some others have suggested "Archive" or "History" sound better in my humble opinion.
  • bekishore 1879 days ago
    Please consider a "first" and "latest" day in these options ... or let everyone go back years and find out the first day 2007-02-18
    • dang 1879 days ago
      The first day is actually

      In the first few months, there were quite a few days where nothing was posted (see the difference between and 62). If /front works for a day, but shows no stories, that means HN existed but there were no stories that day.

      The navigation links work until they point outside the ultimate beginning or end of the data, and then stop appearing. That was a bit tricky to get right as I recall.

  • inopinatus 1879 days ago
    Not essential, but IWBNI date selection respected user timezone. It’s 23/2 here in the Pacific; seeing 21/2 as “yesterday” felt wrong.
    • dang 1879 days ago
      I hear you, but proper timezone support is one of those things we've shied away from over the years. It's hard to get right and our dev resources are too limited. So mostly we just work with UTC. I'm sorry—I know it can create a bit of an outsider feeling, which is definitely not intended.
  • hacym 1878 days ago
    Can’t stop it from happening but sad that most of the links are broken. Would be nice to go back on a link and actually read it.
  • z3 1879 days ago
    Very nice and useful. Well done guys!
  • eevilspock 1878 days ago
    Could an option be added to change the time granularity? e.g. by week, month and year?
    • dang 1878 days ago
      Good idea. I'll add it to the list.
  • aunty_helen 1879 days ago
    Feature request: Filtering out domains that you don't want to see on the home page
  • colvasaur 1879 days ago
    Is there a public API for this?
  • m3kw9 1879 days ago
    There is also a More in the bottom of the front page. This more and that more.
    • civilian 1879 days ago
      Are you sure it's not "this more" and "self more" ?
  • amelius 1879 days ago
    By the way, I sometimes miss the "parent" link on comments.
  • NKosmatos 1879 days ago
    Nice, but can we please have a dark theme for iPad?
  • abbiya 1879 days ago
    My hacker news spin does something similar to this newly added more btn. Why add this now ???
  • gammateam 1879 days ago
    > But there's no way $150k is average for a mid-range developer.

    AHAHHA this is the same as people calling BS on today’s 300k+ annual compensation packages

    Its like aw you wanted a source? Congrats you missed the boat, have fun citing things in academia

    So good

    • dang 1879 days ago
      Could you please stop posting unsubstantive comments to HN? We eventually ban accounts that keep doing this, and have had to ask you before.

      We detached this comment from and marked it off-topic.

      • gammateam 1878 days ago
        Yeaaaaah but it was on topic, in a chain of threads making fun how unsubstantive people’s skepticism was back in 2010

        Your team tells me that upvotes/downvotes are noisy, but once you have downvotes it is unsubstantive and the account is rate limited


        Your team also never explains how you mods interpret a guideline or substantiation, just unilaterally say it violates and pray for classical conditioning as if you want community standards to be decided by the community

        If you are judging this primarily by flags and downvotes, you arent noticing that a lot of the collective conscious is just incorrect. It isnt as open to ideas as you might think

        • dang 1878 days ago
          I'm happy to explain how we interpret specific cases, but not as part of a litigious process in which explanation only leads to more objections. If you want a serious answer, you'll need to do more to establish good faith.
          • gammateam 1878 days ago
            > If you want a serious answer, you'll need to do more to establish good faith.

            Such as Karma over 1,000? What do you mean

            I think I’m doing pretty good, but what do you have in mind

  • artursapek 1879 days ago
    And thus HN became a perfect museum of silicon valley trends, hypes, and deaths.
  • dbg31415 1879 days ago
    By 2026 HN will discover never-ending scroll.
    • zapzupnz 1879 days ago
      I hope not, that's a usability nightmare when you're trying to find something.
  • pmoriarty 1879 days ago
    How many people actually look at the front page rather than just use the RSS feed?

    • forgotmypw 1879 days ago
      I largely browse using the front page. I am not looking to keep up with every article ever, I just look for a few interesting things to read, then close it and move on with my day.

      I also find the design and web layout to be very pleasing.

      My RSS reading habits never recovered from GR's demise... but maybe one of these days.

      • pmoriarty 1879 days ago
        "I am not looking to keep up with every article ever"

        HN's RSS feed does not post every article ever, but just those that make it to the front page.

        It's an alternate way of accessing the same articles, but I find it much more powerful and useful than using a web browser for the following reasons:

        1 - I have a local archive of the titles of and links to each article that does not depend on HN. So if HN ever goes away, I can still access them all.

        2 - I don't need to click through and wait for multiple web pages to load to browse through my archives.

        3 - Newsboat, the terminal-based RSS reader I use is far faster and more responsive than any web browser, on my old, slow laptop.

        4 - Newsboat is also way more powerful and extensible in ways that a plain web page is not. I can easily do things like tagging and filtering, I can delete articles that I don't want to see while saving the ones I do without actually having to open up the destination web page, and a lot more.

        5 - I can locally search through articles without telling any external search engine company what I'm searching for. This is a small but important way to practice defense-in-depth in the realm of privacy.

        At some point I'll probably try switching to reading RSS feeds from within Emacs, which should be even more flexible and powerful.

        • forgotmypw 1879 days ago
          Thanks for sharing Newsboat!
    • badfrog 1879 days ago
      > How many people actually look at the front page rather than just use the RSS feed?

      What do you use for RSS? After Google Reader shut down, I assumed very few people continued using RSS.

      • pmoriarty 1879 days ago
        I use Newsboat[1][2], a standalone RSS reader that I use in the terminal. It's an actively developed fork of Newbeuter.

        [1] -

        [2] -

      • retsibsi 1879 days ago
        I've been reasonably happy with (the free version of) Feedly. It's not perfect, but it's done the job for me as a Google Reader replacement.
    • aboutruby 1879 days ago
      They are also a lot of Twitter accounts that relay HN posts / comments.
      • zapzupnz 1879 days ago
        And the /r/HackerNews subreddit for those who are reddit-inclined.
    • ggregoire 1879 days ago