Hacking Image Interpolation for Fun and Profit


41 points | by labwire 1710 days ago


  • sp332 1710 days ago
    Now we need some tooling where you put in a maximum error bound, and it automatically finds the lowest resolution you can get away with. I wonder if one of those video-codec-based image formats (WebP, HEIC, AVIF) would already do something pretty similar if you just set a quality factor?
  • lecarore 1710 days ago
    It seems obvious in insight but I never used this before. An interesting front end trick, though adding gradient backgrounds is something I avoid as it's mostly eye candy
    • globuous 1710 days ago
      It does, thought i’d never imagined the browser did any interpolation at all !

      Neat trick, thanks for the share ;)

  • dusted 1709 days ago
    Where's the hacking? It's common knowledge that if you stretch a small image, it blurs. As far as I'm aware, this is commonly used for backgrounds.
  • jordache 1710 days ago
    introduction to JPEG 101? Really? Who doesn't know these basic facts about the JPEG algorithm?
    • aparadja 1710 days ago
      This is not a very helpful comment. And nobody knows anything about JPEG when they are born.
      • jordache 1710 days ago
        I thought HN is a venue for advanced to highly advanced topics?
        • ProjectBarks 1710 days ago
          Hacker News is a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. It is run by Paul Graham's investment fund and startup incubator, Y Combinator. In general, content that can be submitted is defined as "anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity" [1]

          [1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker_News

        • filoleg 1710 days ago
          99% of the technical articles posted on HN are very accessible if you have just the very basic understanding of CS without diving into any specific areas. I.e., lots of breadth, but little depth that is required for understanding (even if the articles themselves dive into depth).

          I would count knowing the JPEG spec as a depth, rather than breadth.

    • FreeFull 1710 days ago
      Most of the pictures in the article aren't even JPEGs, they're PNG
    • labwire 1710 days ago
      Did you even read the post? It has nothing to do with JPEG.