• ram_rar 1313 days ago
    This is great. But, why dont they start with Air Quality first? I think, AQ is something, I ll check more often and helpful in decision making than get earthquake alerts.
    • Doxin 1312 days ago
      The average phone doesn't have an air quality sensor. The average phone does have a seismometer in the form of a accelerometer.
  • hexbinencoded 1313 days ago
    For fixed locations, there are cheap P-wave detection earthquake alarms based on mechanical pendulums that will give seconds of warning.

    Example: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001D8NMY4

    Also, cat alarms: https://youtu.be/VJ-p9qOhBv4

  • dmckeon 1314 days ago
    Hope the default settings are better than the MyShake app for iOS, which IIRC helpfully defaulted to notifying one of all quakes near 0 latitude, 0 longitude. It would be nice to have a settable low threshold so one could become familiar with the notifications at 2.5..3.5 Richter, and then set to a higher threshold.
  • _jstreet 1314 days ago
    Made me think of [that artist who spoofed a traffic-jam in google maps](http://simonweckert.com/googlemapshacks.html). I wonder how many devices it would take to spoof an earthquake, hopefully this is designed better.