• conradludgate 1272 days ago
    I tried to make something like exactly this about a year ago. I wanted to have my docker compose logs in separate tmux panes. I had a system where it would run the commands in the background, but then create several pipe files that each tmux pane would then read from. It didn't work great though. At least in go, I struggled to get a system to open tmux panes in the order I wanted, in the windows I wanted.

    I'm definitely gonna try this out and see if I can get it to play nicely with docker compose

    • dankilman 1269 days ago
      Thanks. LMK know if you can't for some reason, I'd like to fix that if that is the case
  • dankilman 1272 days ago
    multiplex is the result of me wanting a tool that allowed me to view output of several processes running in parallel similar to tmux but with the main goal of being view only, being able to view many streams of data in an ergonomic fashion, which tmux doesn't deliver as nicely. I wanted to navigate the content by with the same ease `less` gives when viewing a single data source.

    I hope some of you find it useful as well :)

    • coddle-hark 1272 days ago
      Hey, this is cool! Is there a tl;dr on how it works?
      • dankilman 1271 days ago
        It keeps a terminal emulator for each input stream using pyte (pure python terminal emulator). Then draws everything using ANSI escape codes to put the cursor in different places :)