Ask HN: New APIs to Build on Top Of?

Any cool new APIs / cos to build stuff on top of for a weekend project?

20 points | by PodCurator 1085 days ago


  • finiteseries 1085 days ago
    I have some Red Bull in the fridge for when finally opens.

    Ultra high resolution satellite imagery for $15 a pop, it’s ridiculous.

    • akg_67 1085 days ago
      When do you think Albedo will be available? IIRC, their satellite will not be in orbit till 2024. Did they change their business direction?
    • photojosh 1085 days ago
      That looks amazing. I'll be placing instant orders for my house and the local running/MTB trail areas.
    • hnnnnnnng 1085 days ago
      What are your plans to do with it? Create a reseller website?
      • finiteseries 1085 days ago
        Oh no, ridiculous in a good way. Prices in this space can be insane, and high resolution consumer stuff has only been legal for a year or two IIRC.

        To answer though, secret wild hog tracking first off if it ends up good enough. Family has property and a nearby asshole running hog hunts with alarming frequency.

  • speechly 1085 days ago
    Speechly ( enables you to create new kind of voice user interfaces with real time visual feedback easily for any use case. Easy to use libraries available for iOS, web, React and Android. Great use cases: - any app that needs to input (modifiable) items, such as food/health tracking, fast food ordering, etc - any app that has search filtering (see for a demo) - or of course anything that benefits from voice, such as innovative games, apps used on the go etc Check it out!
    • Graffur 1085 days ago
      Nice, but the first thing I always try with these things is negative phrases. E.g. "show me shoes that are not Adidas" doesn't seem to work.

      Positive flows worked great though.

  • thedevindevops 1085 days ago
  • ArtWomb 1085 days ago
    Etherscan ;)

    Amazon is sponsoring a new ($50k) challenge on AI Crowd. Sense and avoid airbourne objects in autonomous flight. Relative velocities at which these things fly makes classification and tracking look extremely hard. But data set could be applied to search for UFOs...

  • bemmu 1085 days ago
    OpenAI GPT3 if you can get access.
    • nocobot 1082 days ago
      is it really that hard to get access? it was a pretty painless process for me and I was just hacking together some toy projects.
    • muzani 1085 days ago
      That's a big if. I'd be happy with just GPT-2.
  • hulitu 1085 days ago
    X11, glibc
    • hulug 1085 days ago
      X11 is a crime against humanity.
    • hnnnnnnng 1085 days ago
      z lib might be a good option too