Show HN: WebReducer – micro event sourcing cloud function


10 points | by zekenie 653 days ago


  • shubhamjain 652 days ago
    I think this has potential, but right now, it's complex for me to understand or use. My use case was an extremely simple counter I could use everywhere. Sometimes I want to track something but I don't want to go through the hassle of setting up analytics properly. But it seems the /write/ URLs don't support GET at all, which makes it unsuitable for that.

    I can share some feedback if you'd like. Feel free to ping me on my email.

  • unraveller 651 days ago
    webhooks + state + websockets + micro events in a node.js FaaS is an interesting idea even if it is an antipattern of sorts.

    I can see myself using it as a side car to a mission critical event sourcing setup. For bug reports, graceful batch restarting of user websockets when my real-time app goes down for maintenance. auxiliary things you may not want managed internally at key times.

  • st0le 652 days ago
    This is pretty nice. Doesn't seem to be working at the moment.

    - Do you get what it is?

    It's a tiny serverless nodejs platform that comes baked in with a global state store. Supports updates via websockets as well.

    - What would you use it for?

    If I had to use this for home automation, perhaps have it remember if the "light was on or off" to get toggle functionality to something that doesn't have it.

    Reminds me of except for the websocket endpoint.

    • zekenie 652 days ago
      Oh and the other difference between this and Napkin is that this is stateful. Return something from the reducer to store a new state object
    • zekenie 652 days ago
      Thanks! What wasn't working for you? Were the requests not coming in? I think I've fixed that. Sorry about that.... HN peak!
  • stevenalowe 653 days ago