Looking for a co-founder to apply for YC and changing psychiatry with AI

Hi, I'm Aidan.

I'm on the lookout for a co-founder to apply to YC with a de-risked idea set to change the landscape of psychiatry treatment through AI. Here’s what we’re tackling:

The Issue: Accurate diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is just the beginning; the real challenge lies in identifying its biological subtypes which dictate treatment strategies. Currently, there’s no reliable method to detect these subtypes, making treatment a hit-or-miss scenario.

Our Solution: We’re developing an AI platform that uses EEG data and ML models to predict the most effective TMS treatments for MDD and potentially other diseases.

Market Potential: There are 17 million MDD patients in need, plus countless others suffering from conditions that could benefit from better TMS treatment strategies.

Our Team: I am an ex-founder of a VC-backed AI startup and have worked at companies like Microsoft and EY. My partner, as a researcher and ex-engineer at MediaTek, has successfully developed similar models, implemented in a major medical center in Asia, and is now eager to adapt this experience to the U.S. market.

Why You Should Join: You'd be part of a venture that's not only technically validated but also has shown commercial promise.

We need a co-founder who is as passionate about improving mental health as we are, with strong ties in the healthcare industry and experience in sales & BD or psychiatric research.

Interested? Shoot me an email at aidan.new.venture@gmail.com with details about something impressive you've built, why you think you'd be a great fit, and your whatsapp.

Join us to make a real difference in mental health care.

6 points | by aidan_tsai 13 days ago


  • taurath 13 days ago
    As someone who's met the clinical criteria for MDD at various points but later discovered the cause lied in a severely traumatic upbringing, I'm not sure about pushing TMS on folks when the state of psychiatric care is so poor. Were I the client going thru this treatment, I might have a psychiatrist say I'm a great candidate for effectiveness, but it wouldn't treat the actual underlying causes and may expose me to harm potentially. I am very glad I decided against taking that route.

    TMS has a lot of side effects (Seizures, cognitive effects, permanent increases in auditory threshold, tinnitus, headaches) and the overall neurological mechanisms are not, to my knowledge, well known - my interpretation is that its a bit like degaussing a brain. If you have secret sauce, its in studies that aren't public. Assuming its based around studies like this: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S01651...

    Is it a viable GTM strategy? Maybe - but you may find yourself having every incentive to hype up a procedure that may cause harm, even if legal, which seems like an ethical minefield if not a significant source of liability. If the effects of TMS across the whole nervous system were more well known and side effects could be more easily predicted, perhaps that would be another story.

    • giantg2 13 days ago
      "but it wouldn't treat the actual underlying causes and may expose me to harm potentially."

      There are so mamy people that think depression is just a chemical imbalance that can be solved by treatments and ignore the fact that many times there is a legitimate cause for their valid feelings.

      • aidan_tsai 12 days ago
        Thank you for your opinion and sorry for the delayed reply. We recognize that the path to mental wellness must be comprehensive and deeply personalized.
    • aidan_tsai 12 days ago
      Thank you for your candid feedback on TMS and its implications in psychiatric treatment. You've rightly pointed out the complexities and potential risks associated with such therapies. And I agree with you that addresses the root causes of mental health issues, not just the symptoms.

      While acknowledging the side effects of TMS, including those you've mentioned like cognitive effects and headaches, our research focuses on mitigating these through targeted treatment approaches. Severe side effects are relatively rare, and our goal is to further reduce their likelihood through improved predictive accuracy.

  • ddorian43 13 days ago
    Just pivot to metabolic psychiatry bro. No need to invent a thing until that is applied to everyone. Works like in %30+ of cases depending on small trials.