Ask HN: Is there a music library app that sits on top of streaming services?

I want to be able to let others in my office see the music everyone is listening to, or has listened to, share albums and have a communal library. But I want the library to be distinct from something like Spotify, but would allow someone to browse and play using their own account. This is not a central jukebox, just a central library.

Is there anything out there like that? A sort of shared music library app?

4 points | by thesquib 13 days ago


  • austin-cheney 13 days ago
    Here is that exact solution I wrote for my house:

    It creates a HTML playlist not from streaming media but from stored media on my home media server. I have expanded it to also support movies and television shows. It also includes an audio/video player to play the media directly in the browser, which bypasses all manners of restrictions imposed by iPhone.

    npm run build

    node c:\path\mp3-master-list\js\index.js “c:\my-music-path”

  • pavel_lishin 13 days ago
    I think the closest thing I'm aware of is
  • dangravell 7 days ago
    Sounds like a self hosted but with access delegation for the streaming services?
  • al_borland 12 days ago
    iTunes used to do this, not sure if it still does. It would use Bonjour to make everyone’s libraries available on the network, so people could play tracks from other libraries on the local network.

    Plex might do this as well. It has music libraries and management, and features for having friends, who is watching/listening to what, and sharing libraries. I’d assume you could have one central library that everyone friends and plays from.