A BSD person tries Alpine Linux


278 points | by Tomte 10 days ago


  • Faelian2 10 days ago
    Just my two cents about the security aspect.

    All Linux binaries are compiled with PIE nowadays. You can run `checksec` on any binaries on Ubuntu, and it will have those properties. (You can install checksec with `pip install pwntools`).

    On the other hand, GLIBC has, to my knowledge, the most hardened heap implementation out there. And there are more mitigations for double-free and other heap exploits on GLIBC.

    So in that regard, Alpine is less secure by using musl. Having a small, understandable system is a real advantage when it comes to security.

    • blueflow 10 days ago
      > Having a small, understandable system is a real advantage when it comes to security.

      How did that look like in your mind that it is a point for (and not against) glibc?

      • balder1991 10 days ago
        That got me confused too.
        • segfaultbuserr 10 days ago
          It was pretty clear to me that the comment was a description of the respective characteristics of glibc and musl in terms of security, while avoiding any conclusion: glibc has heap hardening, which is good for security, but a complex codebase, which is bad for security. Meanwhile, musl is small and understandable, which is good for security, but with a naive codebase that lacks hardening, which is bad for security. Which is better is intentionally left to the reader to avoid flamewars.
          • lolinder 10 days ago
            That's a charitable reading but it doesn't track with what they actually said. The first paragraph says that all modern Linux binaries are compiled with PIE, so Alpine has no advantage there. The second paragraph says that glibc is more secure than musl heap-wise. The third paragraph is the conclusion, which is that Alpine is less secure because it uses musl.

            A sentence thrown on to the end of the conclusion should normally be read as reemphasizing the reasons for the conclusion unless it starts with a word like "though" or "however".

            • Brian_K_White 10 days ago
              If you're smart enough to construct this analysis and critique, then you're smart enough to have reached the same conclusion the parent and I did.

              I'm not charitable, it's just what made sense, like mentally fixing a typo instead of acting like you don't know, and can't figure out from context what someone meant just because they flubbed a letter or a word or something.

              • lolinder 10 days ago
                When a letter gets flubbed, it's nearly always possible to correct it from context alone. When a word is missing, it's sometimes possible to retrieve the original meaning but other times the missing word creates an ambiguity and you have to just pick a meaning. Faced with the ambiguity, your brain jumped in one direction, mine in another. You landed on the correct answer, I didn't, but there's no need to imply that my reconstruction was done in bad faith.
              • nextaccountic 9 days ago
                > I'm not charitable, it's just what made sense, like mentally fixing a typo instead of acting like you don't know, and can't figure out from context what someone meant just because they flubbed a letter or a word or something.

                I mean, that's just what's called in Philosophy the principle of charity [0]. When evaluating a claim you should read it in its best light, which include glossing over minor inaccuracies and going straight to the main point.

                [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_charity

            • Faelian2 10 days ago
              Yeah, sorry guys. I did write too fast.

              The last sentence should be :

              So in that regard, Alpine is less secure by using musl. However, having a small and understandable system is a real advantage when it comes to security.

            • qwertygerty 10 days ago
              wow. what a thread.
              • flawsofar 9 days ago
                nerds have the best arguments
              • Brian_K_White 10 days ago
                Upvoted even though I'm guilty. But then again so are you. ;)
        • aodonnell2536 10 days ago
          A line break in between the two sentences of the last paragraph may have made the commenter’s point clearer.

          It seems to be they were only comparing the relatives benefits/drawbacks of glibc and musl, but with the way it is written the pro-musl comment feels out of place.

    • LinuxBender 10 days ago
      I run checksec on everything all the time and on all my Alpine nodes all the processes come back like this not pasting the full output for brevity... I have never see anything built by Alpine missing these flags.

          COMMAND    PID RELRO             STACK CANARY           NX/PaX        PIE
          init       1 Full RELRO        Canary found           NX enabled    PIE enabled
          crond 422838 Full RELRO        Canary found           NX enabled    PIE enabled
    • crest 9 days ago
      > On the other hand, GLIBC has, to my knowledge, the most hardened heap implementation out there. And there are more mitigations for double-free and other heap exploits on GLIBC.

      Check the OpenBSD libc...

    • 0xbadcafebee 10 days ago
      Re: Linux security, if someone can run any code at all on your system, you're screwed. Linux is swiss cheese. The only reason it isn't just as overrun with malware as Windows is nobody uses Linux for a desktop, so malware authors don't really try. (honestly I'd say modern Windows and MacOS both have a superior security architecture)
      • realusername 9 days ago
        Linux distributions just have a different security model, based on trust. Maintainers form with developers a chain of trust from the repo to your machine.

        Windows and MacOS on the other hand have an untrusted security model, everything is assumed to be potentially dangerous.

        Security isn't just about how the code behaves.

      • nolist_policy 9 days ago
        OTOH ChromeOS, one of the more secure operating system s (behind QubesOS, on par with Android and iOS) is GNU/Linux.

        But in normal Linux land things are moving too: Flatpack, Wayland, immutable rootfs, systemd service sandboxing, ...

        Also browsers on GNU/Linux are generally well sandboxed, the interfaces are there.

        • 0xbadcafebee 9 days ago
          Every browser on every platform gets 0days all the time, sandboxes don't stop them.

          ChromeOS is not one of the most secure OSes, it's not even the most secure Android OS.

          The Linux kernel's security design is crap. Doesn't matter what you run underneath it. It gets owned all the time, and it will stay that way.

          • viraptor 9 days ago
            You're really not adding good content here. This is crap, that gets owned all the time... Why? What's the actual comparison? What model/approach makes the difference?

            Please add something meaningful. Otherwise it's just ranting/fanboying over your preferences - we can be better than that on this board.

            • 0xbadcafebee 7 days ago
              We really can't. Even if I reply with reasons, they will just be argued, ignored or downvoted by people who don't know what they're talking about. People only believe what they want to believe, or whatever a famous person says. (not to mention none of the people replying to me are providing any contrary evidence, just more spurious claims, but those with unpopular opinions get the downvotes)
          • nolist_policy 9 days ago
            Have you actually looked at the 0days? Almost always it's confined within the sandbox. You have to chain it with an sandbox breakout exploit to make it useful.
        • DEADMINCE 9 days ago
          > ChromeOS, one of the more secure operating system s (behind QubesOS, on par with Android and iOS)

          I don't know what features ChromeOS has over Linux but I wouldn't considered Android or iOS particularly secure, and Qubes isn't either directly, it's just a tool that can help in some cases.

  • ggm 10 days ago
    I am also also a bsd person and also coincidentally ran my first alpine as a vm on bhyve this week.

    It's busybox. If you don't need explicitly discrete binaries of the /bin and /sbin utils it is a tiny user-space and fast to boot. Tmux, zsh and I was done for most unix purposes.

    To get to my endpoint I wound up doing a lot of apk installs (node. More node dependencies. Stuff) but overall I found it the best Linux experience I've had in a long time. I wish zfs was baked in, and more overt virtio bindings to things for bhyve zfs backed run.

    • dazzawazza 10 days ago
      I've used/deployed FreeBSD for over 20 years and I have to admit I dread connecting to a GNU/Linux box. It's just such a mess of a system with so many variations in inconsistencies. Even connecting to a Windows server makes more 'sense' to me.

      Anyway, I'm glad to hear that there might be a sane Linux distro out there. I will give it a go if I need a linux box which is pretty rare tbh.

      • aeonik 10 days ago
        Everyone who uses BSD says the same thing, but it's still unclear to me what you mean. What inconsistencies does Linux have that BSD does not?

        I've looked for an explanation, but I only get high level explanations, or specific features like jails.

        You wouldn't happen to have more information, would you?

        • unilynx 10 days ago
          firewalls. is it iptables, nftables? what is iptables-nft and iptables-legacy doing in this mix? or was I supposed to manage them with firewallctl or ufw?

          network settings. if-up scripts? NetworkManager? Are we already supposed to use that systemd-network thingy or is it still not ready ? I just need to add an IP address in addition to the one given by DHCP...

          who is managing /etc/resolv.conf today?

          (my regular frustrations when dealing with both Ubuntu and Rocky Linux hosts..)

          • gnuser 10 days ago
            As a greybeard GNUlinux sysadmin: nftables raw ripping out iptables (newer gui/tui firewall interfaces support nftables) rip out NetworkManager, and use systemd-resolved to manage DNS. (On non-systemd systems like Devuan then this changes.) Use systemd units for powerful program and service control, including systemd-nspawn for containerization.
            • yjftsjthsd-h 10 days ago
              The fact that you have to rip out that much software to make it reasonable is a fantastic argument for the BSDs.
              • steve_rambo 10 days ago
                iptables has been with us for more than 20 years and is only now being replaced (pretty slowly I might add). The old rules are still supported through iptables-nft, you can just import them and forget nft exists.

                Distributions I prefer have never used NetworkManager and haven't changed network configuration in a long time. RHEL and its rebuilds have used NM for what feels like an eternity. Ubuntu is the odd one out here with its constant churn, afaik.

                Same with firewall wrappers like ufw and firewalld. Either your distribution uses one and you just use whatever has been chosen for you, or it doesn't and you go with nftables (or iptables-nft if you prefer).

                This is all only really a problem if your organization uses a bunch of distributions instead of standardizing on one, but then you probably have a lot more other serious problems than learning how to configure your firewall...

                As a counterpoint, I evaluated FreeBSD for a project about a year ago and was really put off by its primitive service management (compared to systemd which I know pretty well and use its features extensively, they really do help in your daily work), and the three firewalls which all seem to be approximately equally supported and you never really know where to put your time. (Unfortunately, I had to pass the OS for other reasons which have no relation to its technical merit.)

              • doublepg23 10 days ago
                ? FreeBSD ships with three different firewalls in base.
                • 0x457 10 days ago
                  Yes, however, each has a clear set of tools, and it's clear which one are you using. There are no shims to use IPFW tooling with PF and vice versa, while on linux they are all mixed.
              • lnxg33k1 10 days ago
                Sorry, for such inconvenience, we will stop writing software we want so that we won't risk filling BSDers brains

                I really don't get these criticisms, you have choice, having choices doesn't make a system bad, makes you have to make your choices, which can also be going towards systems where stuff is standard

                • nmz 10 days ago
                  See paradox of choice.
                  • sangnoir 9 days ago
                    Not having any choice isn't great either. See Soviet grocery shops.
                    • nmz 9 days ago
                      Choice should only be offered after you have a stable foundation/base. Suppose you have a store that sells frozen food only, an incredible amount of choices, but no base ingredients like flour, grains and meat.

                      Software is utilitarian in nature, the goal is the task, but, how do you accomplish a task with an infinite amount of tools? and not only that, but how can you be sure that the tool is secure and stable?

                      • lnxg33k1 9 days ago
                        In the context, you accomplish task with the defaulty installed iptables
              • arminiusreturns 10 days ago
                What is the BSD idempotent cattle deployment pipeline? It's all just configs selecting packages in the first place is it not?
              • DEADMINCE 9 days ago
                Or just to avoid a systemd distro.
              • gcbirzan 10 days ago
                Or, and hear me out... Don't install it?
            • Enginerrrd 10 days ago
              I've had nothing but issues with systemd-resolved.

              Networkmanager seems to be what things are standardizing on these days. Which, while for some reason I've always avoided networkmanager and used various combinations as alternatives, I'm all for having one most common standard networking utility for Linux.

              • hedora 10 days ago
                Same here. However, from what I've seen, touching any systemd component causes cascading issues.

                I usually settle on networkmanager, since there's not a great alternative for dealing with wifi. However, it often delegates to a giant broken pile of fail.

                Things can be much simpler on machines that connect via ethernet (including VMs).

                • lnxg33k1 10 days ago
                  You might want to have a look at IWD, but read the docs to see how to configure it to work nicely with networkmanager or systemd-networkd
              • epcoa 10 days ago
                NetworkManager and systemd-resolved are not really interchangeable. The latter is a local caching multiprotocol name resolver and NetworkManager supports its use for name resolution.
            • leephillips 10 days ago
              systemd-nspawn is like a secret weapon. Very few resources about containers mention it. I use it all over the place.
          • epcoa 10 days ago
            > firewalls

            This seems like not the best example since FreeBSD has 3 implementations that may be in use depending on the whims of the sysadmin.

            • antranigv 5 days ago
              FreeBSD has 3 different firewalls, not 3 different interfaces to the same firewall. Each firewall has its own purpose. IPF is lightweight, pf has a nice UI/UX, ipfw is very integrated into the system.

              More importantly, doing a simple kldstat would tell you which firewall is running. On Ubuntu (as an example) I have no idea if I should be using nftables, iptables or if ufw is working or not.

          • nequo 10 days ago
            > both Ubuntu and Rocky Linux hosts

            This is a little like comparing FreeBSD with macOS. Their userlands share similarities but they are different operating systems.

            • hedora 10 days ago
              That's the main problem with Linux these days: Experience with distro A rarely transfers to distro B.

              Also, at least with Ubuntu, switching to a new LTS means that most administration tools have been replaced with different (usually buggier) ones, so knowledge of the old release doesn't necessarily transfer either.

              It wasn't this way in the early days, but the community focus stopped aligning with end user interest about a decade go. At that point fragmentation + complexity exploded.

              • Gud 10 days ago
                I say this as a big time BSD friend, the same can be said about the BSDs. OpenBSD and FreeBSD are very different , I’ve never used NetBSD, but I can only imagine it’s not the same as the other two.
                • temp0826 10 days ago
                  Yah, it's a bit wrong that people compare an operating system like FreeBSD (or Solaris or AIX etc) to "Linux" which is just a kernel. The distribution IS the operating system, and of course there will be differences.

                  SystemD is changing things up a bit and packaging up all the "boilerplate" and making things more consistent across distros, which is convenient sure. I joke that the old adage "GNU/Linux" should be updated to "SystemD/Linux".

                  • Gud 9 days ago
                    I agree with you, FreeBSD should be judged by its own right against every other operating system out there, including the 100s of GNU/systemd/Linux-distributions, and every obscure operating system out there. How deep you dig depends on you.

                    My preferences have fallen on a combination of FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Manjaro Linux, with FreeBSD my main operating system.

                    The main draw backs are

                    1) poorer wifi support *

                    2) non-existing bluetooth support

                    But the main advantages of FreeBSD

                    1) FreeBSD is a source distribution first, always has been, always will be. 2) The most permissive software licenses are prefered, which I think is really cool 3) By far the best package managers. both ports and pkg are simpler to use than anything I have tried from any other distribution. I know some people swear by Slackware, Gentoo and Arch, but in general their package management do not appeal to me. Plus it always seems like the linux distributions are either source or binary. Sure, you can usually do both(except for the source first distributions) on most linux distributions, it's usually inferior to ports/pkg.

                    4) first class ZFS support

                    5) I get to run the same system on my desktop as I do on my production systems which I consider a big advantage.

                    * https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=wifibox

                    I have resolved the WIFI support by running wifibox, a tiny virtualized Linux vm running on bhyve. It gives me a 20-fold increase in speed! Coincidentally, it’s based on Aline Linux, which the blog post is all about!

                    When I want to play games, I reboot to Windows or Manjaro, which takes about 60 seconds... Both fairly stable and easy to maintain operating systems. I like MacOS as well, but I don't have any apple computers anymore.

                    • fl0ki 8 days ago
                      It's been a while since the first-class ZFS support had any advantage for the user beyond an initial install. Maintenance on it was so limited that they ended up rebasing on ZFS on Linux anyway, making it literally less first-class than on Linux.

                      Today you can get ZFS packages from contrib in Debian and run it for several years with no problems. I know because I did that from Debian 9 (2017) through Debian 12 (2023) and still going. Ironically, Debian 9 took over that ZFS pool from a FreeBSD server, and there is not one part of that migration that I regretted.

                    • viraptor 9 days ago
                      The first 3 points are pretty much covered by nixos too. 1. It's source compilation based, but you download the cached result if it exists. 2. Unfree option has to be explicitly set if you want that for specific packages. 3. Depends on the tastes, but it's pretty easy.
                  • gosub100 9 days ago
                    The distribution IS the os, until you complain about ports packages not compiling, then suddenly it's not their problem, contact the ports maintainer.
              • CoolCold 9 days ago
                Let's see with 24.04.

                Afair, for switching from 20.04 to 22.04 I had to ensure network configs are under netplan and that's all.

                What's imimportant as well, there is no rush to switch to newer LTS, no problem to plan and test migration over 1 year be needed as old LTS is still supported.

            • unilynx 10 days ago
              The question was why people may find Linux inconsistent. The distributions are very much part of that, and even within a distribution, just a 2 year later LTS might have wild differences because of the kernel promoting new mechanisms

              It may not be that much of a problem in practice, I deal with multiple distributions because for new servers, we pick 'm based on expected future support, and they're only a bootstrap to docker/podman which is the great 'equalizer'. So the inconsistencies are only a problem until our Ansible scripts have learned the difference and when we need to debug an issue. Not that often fortunately, once the configurations are in place things are generally stable.

          • hestefisk 9 days ago
            Firewalls is not where I would argue that BSDs are more consistent. FreeBSD comes with three different choices in base: ipfw, pf, and ipf.
          • rakoo 10 days ago
            In practice, do you interact with many different distributions ?
            • leephillips 10 days ago
              I only interact with Debian, sometimes Ubuntu, and that description of the Linux situation is fair and accurate. I love Linux, but it’s also a chaotic mess, just as described.
            • unilynx 10 days ago
              Ubuntu LTS 18 & 20, and decided to move to Rocky 9 for the future.
          • BrandoElFollito 9 days ago
            Linux user since 1994, tiny kernel developments eons ago. My whole home depends on Linux and Home Assistant, Vaultwarden and a few others.

            I love Linux but the total mess with networking and sound is disheartening. It is a pile of crap.

            I do not care if this is this or another solution, but for fucks sake - let's have one system and not five that step on each other. This is infuriating.

        • dazzawazza 10 days ago
          As well as what others have said: With FreeBSD things change over time, this is a a given. But I can always use the release notes and the FreeBSD handbook to resolve any issues.

          With GNU/Linux things change and the lack of authoritative documentation is tiresome. I end up on Stack-overflow triaging legacy posts from sources I just cannot trust.

          Is FreeBSD perfect? No of course not. Is Linux a complete waste of time? No of course not! BUT my time is better spent in FreeBSD (and yes even windows) than Linux.

          • drewg123 10 days ago
            The big problem I have as BSD person who occasionally needs linux for something is that the google search results are terrible. Even when specifying the OS, I often get incorrect results that show how one would do what I want to do 8 years ago, when the tools were different.
            • nmz 9 days ago
              Its a userbase problem, nothing anybody can do about it.
          • ssl-3 9 days ago
            Many Linux distros have handbooks and release notes, too.


            (How deep do you want to go?)

        • toast0 10 days ago
          I have a job with Linux again, so I set up a dev vm, and I've got prod hosts on gcp that run our application in a container...

          On prod, I have to use ifconfig, because ip isn't installed. On dev, I have to use ip, because ifconfig is 'obsolete'. Same deal with netstat vs ss. Those are the big ones for me.

          I don't particularly care about the progression of firewalls on Linux, it seems like one day it will be back to one, but FreeBSD has always had three and I use two of them simultaneously, so how can I complain?

          • Mister_Snuggles 10 days ago
            It seems like the real problem is that you've got a ton of drift between your Prod and Dev environments. How old is your Prod compared to your Dev?

            Since you're running something in a container, you should be able to upgrade the host OS (more accurately, recreate the hosts with current images) very easily. I wouldn't expect there to be more than a few weeks of drift between Prod and Dev.

            • toast0 9 days ago
              Our GCP prod is running google's container optimized os [1], something relatively current? But the container we run our app in is debian something, and my dev environment matches that... But when I go to prod, I don't go into the container, because a) I don't really understand how? b) I don't need to anyway; I can do almost all the stuff that needs doing without getting a shell into the container.

              The real problem is that ifconfig can do the job, but nobody wanted to modify it, so they built a new tool, but both tools still work, and nobody is going to cleanse the world of ifconfig. Same deal for netstat vs ss. ss does the same job as netstat, but supposedly faster or better? but they could have made netstat better and didn't. In the meantime, causing churn and leaving a wake of broken documentation and frustrated users.

              I didn't pick the environment, it was there, and I don't have enough authority to change the environment that much, I'm just working part time, and I want to get in, do my work, and get out. It sucks having to use two different tools for the same thing, all over the place. If I had an open offer to come work part time with a former boss at a place running FreeBSD and Erlang, I'd have taken it, but I got Linux and Rust instead, so I'm dealing with it :P

              Of course, FreeBSD isn't perfect either. I've just updated a machine to FreeBSD 14, to find that I can no longer use the command

                  ifconfig pfsync vlandev main vlan 4
              because I get an error

                  ifconfig: both vlan and vlandev must be specified
              Instead, I've got to put the vlan number first. So I've got that to chase down, and freebsd-update was also very slow, so I've got that to chase down too.

              [1] https://cloud.google.com/container-optimized-os/docs/

              • Mister_Snuggles 8 days ago
                This is actually really interesting!

                We run a lot of containerized stuff too, but in AWS EKS. For us, access to the container host isn't really a thing, and I'm not even sure if it's possible to be honest. The container hosts are an implementation detail, any direct access to the containers is through `kubectl exec ...`, so the tools available there come from the container image and match from dev through to prod.

                I do agree with you though. It really feels like the change from netstat to ss, ifconfig to ip, etc, is churn for the sake of churn. FreeBSD is nice because it's a comprehensive operating system. Linux is a kernel used by a whole bunch of different, but fairly similar, operating systems.

        • kstrauser 10 days ago
          My Debian server has a mix of systemd and /etc/init.d startup scripts. That’s the sort of thing where a BSD would be likely to say, ok, as of version N due in 3 months, we’re migrating everything and going from 100% old way to 100% new way.
          • cesarb 10 days ago
            > My Debian server has a mix of systemd and /etc/init.d startup scripts. [...] ok, as of version N due in 3 months, we’re migrating everything and going from 100% old way to 100% new way.

            You'll be happy to know that this is going to happen. Quoting https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/v255/NEWS

            > Support for System V service scripts is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please make sure to update your software now to include a native systemd unit file instead of a legacy System V script to retain compatibility with future systemd releases.

            • kstrauser 10 days ago
              Eh, I don’t really care either way. The ones I really care about are in my shell history. I meant that more as an example of where the BSD way would be different. Since they manage all of the software together, it’s much easier for them to do wholesale migrations like that.
            • wrycoder 9 days ago
              Who can keep up with that? OpenBSD is a placid pond by comparison.
        • cduzz 10 days ago
          Long ago, it was that a linux system was "linux kernel, big pile of random GNU utilities for userland" while a BSD was "every utility is written by the same team."

          This ends up with the documentation "working" and very consistent vs a linux (jeez, no man pages, what the heck is this "info" crap?).

          Things are better now, especially in the documentation front, but it remains that the "gnu" ecosystem is still a hodgepodge of different utilities written by different teams at different times and there are still inconsistencies.

          I've spent decades in the linux ecosystem and away from "unix" so the memories are hazy and the brain damage (from linux) permanent at this point; the fish no longer notices the water.

          • freedomben 10 days ago
            Yes, this has been my experience as well, even at the kernel level. I actually enjoy looking at and hacking on BSD kernel code. Linux kernel code is ... another story.

            But I tend to think the difficulty with Linux/GNU is more a result of the enormously larger community and the huge diversity of use cases. For example if you stick with a complete vendor (Red Hat being the best example) among the system tools is a fair amount of consistency and documentation (man pages). As you accumulate more applications and extra tools, that's where the community fragmentation really hits. This is most intensely felt when I try to set up a workstation (laptop or desktop) with a BSD. Even discounting hardware support, I run into so many things where BSD is consistent because in part because it doesn't exist there.

            I still have a dream though that one day BSD will start becoming the GOTO for various places. Though, I think how Apple took it and made it common but also locked it down, I have my suspicions that the permissive licensing (which as a developer I really love) does seem to end up being taken by big tech to get huge profits and used without giving (much) back.

        • mixmastamyk 10 days ago
          As others have alluded, greater Linux is awash with too many choices for every component, like a walmart supermarket, not to mention CADT-driven development.

          https://www.jwz.org/doc/cadt.html (cut/paste link)

          BSD is closer to "omakase" in that sense. Pick your cliche... people "rowing in the same direction," "more wood behind fewer arrows," etc.

    • AndrewDavis 10 days ago
      > zfs was baked in

      How baked in? I think Alpine is one of the few distros to ship a binary zfs kernel module. So it's just a quick apk command away from getting it. There's some pretty decent documentation to install zfs on root on the alpine wiki too https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Root_on_ZFS_with_native_en...

      • ggm 10 days ago
        Right, but the steps aren't scripted or integrated into the mainline. You're of the main path, albeit a damn sight simpler than some distros.

        Easy, but not 'simple'. Don't get me wrong, it's entirely doable. But it's a distinct, non-standard pattern.

        And virtio..

        • wkat4242 10 days ago
          Yeah "apk add ZFS" is very scary and off the beaten path :)

          That's all you need to use ZFS data drives on alpine. On root is admittedly a lot more complex though.

          • ykonstant 10 days ago
            Is it particularly helpful to use ZFS on root?
            • Modified3019 10 days ago
              ZFS on root (and setting up automatic snapshots) is great for rollbacks if a system update turned out bad, and also allows for being certain there’s no corruption after a power failure or a disk starts getting flaky. It also makes sending off snapshots for a backups a breeze.

              So it’s not really for day to day issues, it’s more for turning a rare “day of pain” into something much less.

              • ssl-3 9 days ago
                AFAIK, for events like unexpected power failure, ZFS is always consistent to the point of the last complete TxG. No snapshot required (and it wouldn't provide more-recent data, either) to deal with power failure-induced data corruption, because there isn't any.

                And also AFAIK, ZFS snapshots don't protect against data corruption from flaky disks: An online snapshot doesn't make a copy of anything. (That's more like what RAIDZ or copies=2 are for.)

                Snapshots do make great rollback methods, even for fixing dumb day-to-day mistakes. (I mean, I'm sure none of us have ever done something stupid with a computer, but it probably happens to someone sometimes.) And they are indeed easy to send elsewhere to be used as complete backups of a dataset's state at a single point in time.

                And there's other good stuff about daily use of ZFS root, too: Datasets. Like other filesystems, ZFS does occupy an entire disk (or a partition on that disk) -- in this case a "pool".

                But within that pool can be many, many datasets that are independent of one-another, just sharing space in the pool. One linux distro's root might occupy one dataset, and another more-experimental (or major breaking upgrade) distro's root might occupy another dataset. /home can be on a third dataset that both distros use. This is a very wonderful thing for those with limited hardware budgets -- gone are the days of resizing/paring down disk partitions just to try something different. (Datasets can also be copied or moved to different pools and those pools can be different sizes.)

                Or: Caching. Now that persistent l2arc is a thing, a snappy-feeling system can be built with big (redundant!) spinning disks, and a relatively small (fast!) SSD as a read cache.

                It's not really just for "day of pain" issues -- ZFS is pretty slick in all kinds of useful ways, as a root filesystem and elsewhere.

            • yjftsjthsd-h 10 days ago
              I've actually used snapshots to roll back an upgrade that got messed up. Of course, Alpine is stable enough that it doesn't exactly come up a lot:)
            • wkat4242 9 days ago
              It's incredibly useful yes.

              For starters you have the snapshots which you can use as 'restore points' like in Windows to go back when an update breaks something. Except this time they actually do work (I've never had that fix anything for me on windows).

              You can also use them to try out huge packages like different DEs on your daily driver and revert if you don't like it without having to remove the entire forest of dependencies.

              You can also silence the filesystem for backups similar to volume shadow copy in Windows. ZFS send/receive is also a fast way to actually make backups although it has some serious drawbacks so I don't use it (mainly the inability to restore individual files)

              Another thing is that you can base filesystems upon other ones so you can use it to create one jail (like docker container) that you keep updated and base your other ones off it. A bit like docker layers do. Yes this one is very FreeBSD specific.

              And finally, doing a scrub to check for bitrot can really save your bacon.

              So in my examples most useful features stem from its snapshot functionality.

            • CoolCold 9 days ago
              From what I do observe, people with desktop usage cases tend to favor it - to be able to rollback updates/upgrades.

              Not sure why not btrfs for desktop usage, may be it's just not discussed much comparing to ZFS fans.

              On servers I personally avoid ZFS do be involved into boot sequence - just for data storage stuff

      • vermaden 10 days ago
        > How baked in?

        Like in FreeBSD - to be as available option in installer.

        In FreeBSD You just select 'Auto (ZFS)' - then select disk(s) on which it should happen - hit [ENTER] - and it happens.

        That level of integration I would expect ... and all that with ZFSBootMenu integration for ZFS Boot Environments.

    • chillfox 10 days ago
      ZFS works great with Alpine. Alpine + ZFS has been my default server setup for years.
  • qweqwe14 10 days ago
    BSD users might also like Void Linux, which was developed by xtraeme (a NetBSD developer). It has glibc and musl versions and uses runit as an init system. You can also build packages from source using xbps-src.


    • braggerxyz 10 days ago
      This is what I settled for after using Arch and looking for a Non-SystemD alternative that feels a lot like Arch. The thing that threw me the Void direction instead of Alpine was glibc support so I can use NVidia drivers (yes I know, Booo NVidia ;-)
    • ykonstant 10 days ago
      I am loving Void; my main system is Arch because of the large package selection and systemd ergonomics, but I have installed Void on three boxes for relatives and myself, and it's been wonderful. Warning though: I have only used the xfce installation with minimal tweaks. Also, a complex multi-user setup with void might be a bit more tedious to setup because runit is less batteries-included than systemd.
    • jackhalford 10 days ago
      I had issues with voidlinux+musl for using rust but that was a couple years back. Thankfully you can easily reinstall void with glibc
    • stock_toaster 10 days ago
      Maybe Chimera? Probably very friendly for BSD folks since it has a mostly FreeBSD set of core tools (userland).
      • rahen 10 days ago
        Chimera is developed by a former Void maintainer. It's still in its infancy compared to the two main "KISS" distributions (Alpine and Void) but it looks promising, especially thanks to dinit, which like S6 is what systemd should have been.


        Then if a Linux kernel isn't a strict requirement, there's obviously NetBSD, from which Void takes inspiration. At last it's "the real thing" and not some adaptation, and a very underappreciated and overlooked Unix.

      • q66 9 days ago
        chimera definitely goes for its own type of experience, the source of the core tools does not make that much of a difference in that (they were mostly chosen for other reasons anyway)

        that said i was a freebsd user for over a decade so it must have left some mark (even though generally the systems have little to do with each other in their general design)

        • LeFantome 7 days ago
          People may not know that you are the creator of Chimera Linux.

          There does seem to be a lot of BSD influence over Chimera with the BSD userland, Clang / LLVM toolchain, lack of glibc, and cports.

          Regardless of the inspiration, the design choices in Chimera are great. Being able to standardize on things like Pipewire and Wayland without legacy. Working to bring the functionality of systemd without the monolith is great too. I hope Turnstile catches on.

          • LeFantome 7 days ago
            ZFS on Chimera as well of course...
      • ethagnawl 10 days ago
        This initially threw me but it appears to be distinct from ChimeraOS, which is described as a, "Steam Big Picture based couch gaming OS".
        • qweqwe14 10 days ago
          Yeah, it's an unfortunate name collision. From Chimera Linux FAQ[1]:

          The system also has no relation to ChimeraOS, besides the unfortunate name similarity. ChimeraOS used to be called GamerOS and renamed itself to ChimeraOS later; however, at this point Chimera Linux was already in public development with its name in place.

          [1] https://chimera-linux.org/docs/faq#what-about-chimeraos

    • BSDobelix 10 days ago
      And CRUX, a granddaddy of Archlinux.
  • sebtron 10 days ago
    I was expecting some comment on the fact that man pages, a point of pride for the BSDs, are not included by default in Alpine. That's one of the reasons that kept me from using it on my travel laptop (now running OpenBSD).

    Alpine users, am I missing some configuration option to make sure all documentation is always installed when getting a package? Or is manually installing the -doc package every time the only way?

    • stock_toaster 10 days ago
      If you always want docs, you just install the `docs` meta package that will pull in any `*-doc` package for anything else you install.
      • chupasaurus 10 days ago
        It works similarly in i.e. Debian, so it's not really a quirk of Alpine.
        • oarsinsync 10 days ago
          Can you elaborate on what you mean here? I’ve never seen a Debian install packages without docs in 20 years. What have I been doing right/wrong?
          • hedora 10 days ago
            If you use a `-slim` debian docker image variant, it won't have the manpages (or most locales, and apt will be stripped down, etc, etc).

            I think you can achieve the same thing on bare metal by being careful to tell it not to install a bunch of base package sets.

            Alpine is more container-focused than debian, so I imagine they default to something closer to `-slim`, but I haven't tried installing it on bare metal or in a VM.

            • bradfa 10 days ago
              The "manpages" and any "locale" packages are neither required nor important so are not included in a Debian minbase install. If you want them, you can install them easily with apt.

              I'm not sure what you mean by apt being stripped down. You get the normal apt still.

          • marcosdumay 10 days ago
            On Debian some packages come with the manual, but have the info-pages as a *-doc (like coreutils), some packages come with basic manual and have extra ones on the doc package (like linux-image), some packages have no documentation at all on the main package (AFAIK nothing on the minimal installation), and some packages bundle everything.
            • chupasaurus 8 days ago
              And *-doc packages are not required for their main counterparts.
      • sebtron 10 days ago
        Thanks, that's exactly what I needed!
      • hyper_cube 10 days ago
        This was going to be my inquiry, thanks!
    • MrDrMcCoy 9 days ago
      OpenBSD on a laptop? How is the hardware support?
      • sebtron 9 days ago
        On this specific laptop, eveything works. It's a 2010 Asus netbook though.
  • Arch-TK 10 days ago
    I honestly have no idea why people find OpenRC and such things appealing. Literally any supervision based option is better than leaking your PIDs, storing them in PID-files and hoping that the value in the PID file still refers to the daemon you ran after 3 weeks. To top it off, in some cases some service management tasks are handled by pgrepping for a specific process name. I can somewhat sympathise with the idea that not everything should be auto-restarted by default but that's literally the only thing these kinds of things have going for them.

    Also, inevitably these things heavily rely on syslog, which is the most 80s technology ever invented. I agree that multilog/svlogd/whatever could be improved to add an easy centralised view (when you need to know the sequence of events from multiple tools) but grouping logs by some vaguely defined category which you always get wrong, and letting anyone log anywhere with any name are such strange features.

    • jiripospisil 10 days ago
      FWIW Alpine has been trying to replace OpenRC for years but has not found the right match. There's also an attempt to try to become init agnostic.



    • traverseda 10 days ago
      Sure, but the main alternative is systemd which is architected in a way that just isn't secure, and opens it up to a whole bunch of new and exciting CVEs.

      There's just way too much going on in PID1, written in a memory unsafe language. I don't see a technical reason why it couldn't have a minimal PID1, and a few setuid programs. Aside from it making it possible to run systemd inside a docker container, which I presume redhat/IBM is strongly against, preferring you to use their in-house containerization tools like systemd-nspawn.

      It's just never going to be viable from a security point of view with how it's architected.

      • Arch-TK 10 days ago
        There are literally at least 3 well designed and featureful alternatives to OpenRC which are not systemd: daemontools, runit, and s6-rc. There are also other lesser known options.

        For a real world in-situ use of runit, see voidlinux. It could be handled better but at this present moment it is at least no more clunky than using OpenRC.

      • pelasaco 10 days ago
        > Sure, but the main alternative is systemd which is architected in a way that just isn't secure, and opens it up to a whole bunch of new and exciting CVEs.

        This is a general "back in the days always was better" answer. Fact is that along the years systemd had less than 50 CVEs published, it reinvented for good the whole initialization process and linux administration in general, and together with SELinux are great foundation for any modern Linux distribution. Sure RC was super simple, but systemd is just the evolution that Linux needed to become what it is today.

        • traverseda 10 days ago

          When there's a CVE in a program written in a memory-unsafe language that has a position of privilege in your security model, that's a much much bigger deal than if there's a poorly written bash script running as a user.

          Seperate out your service manager from your pid1, pid1 needs to just be responsible for reaping orphan processes. If you're going to have a monolithic daemon in that privileged position at least write it in a memory-safe language, as that's where most of the nasty RCE vulns come from.

        • chillfox 10 days ago
          I have gone from systemd on RedHat to OpenRC on Alpine (have used both for years). Systemd is much more unstable and frustrating to work with.

          I do wish something like s6 was the default on Alpine, it’s been quite nice when I have used it in containers.

          • CoolCold 9 days ago
            Mind sharing couple of examples?

            I do have bunch of servers on Centos 7, which is quite old and have met just couple of minor issues related to systemd, never had a downtime because of it. I'd say NOC doing some networking maintenance brings me more problems then systemd.

        • DEADMINCE 9 days ago
          > but systemd is just the evolution that Linux needed to become what it is today.

          Not at all. The linux of today doesn't owe anything to systemd, is not radically different from when systemd didn't exist, and arguably we would have a better alternative if systemd had never been adopted.

          • pelasaco 8 days ago
            > arguably we would have a better alternative if systemd had never been adopted.

            Not true. We have many alternatives, adopted in some distros. But AFAIK no Enterprise distro. For servers or desktop.. why?

            because systemd starts as many services as possible in parallel this speeds the overall startup and gets the host system to a login screen or reduce the server downtime dramatically than SystemV. That is for sure a well wanted characteristics today...

        • bbarnett 10 days ago
          Sure RC was super simple, but systemd is just the evolution that Linux needed to become what it is today.

          At this, I just vomited a little in my mouth.

          Linux owes nothing to systemd. In every measurable way, systemd adds more complexity, reduces security by expanding the vulnerability footprint, creates a monolithic ecosystem, and handles everything far worse than, for example, Debian's use of sysvinit.

          I spend more time dealing with systemd edge cases, and bugs, and security issues every few months, than I did in 30 years of other init systems.

          Systemd is a step backwards.

          • VancouverMan 10 days ago
            > I spend more time dealing with systemd edge cases, and bugs, and security issues every few months, than I did in 30 years of other init systems.

            It's been the same situation for me, too.

            Every time I get stuck dealing with a new systemd-related problem and search online for solutions, the huge number of bug reports, mailing list posts, forum posts, IRC logs, and other communications I incidentally see describing my problem and/or other troubles involving systemd remind me that I'm not alone. Many other people are consistently having a wide variety of problems with it, too, and this has now been going on for years and years.

            Systemd has driven me to move systemd-using Linux systems I end up responsible for over to FreeBSD or OpenBSD whenever possible. Their init systems aren't perfect, but they almost never cause me problems. In the very rare cases when they aren't working for some reason, at least those systems are simple enough that I can usually debug the issue on my own, without having to search for help online.

            • fullstop 10 days ago
              Can you describe one of your problems? I've had very smooth sailing with systemd and I like not having to play games with pid files and pgrep like I had to in the 90s.
              • foresto 9 days ago
                I can't speak for VancouverMan, but my experience has been similar. A few examples of the problems I have with systemd:

                System shutdown/reboot is now unreliable. Sometimes it will be just as quick as it was before systemd arrived, but other times, systemd will decide that something isn't to its liking, and block shutdown for somewhere between 30 seconds and 10 minutes, waiting for something that will never happen. The thing in question might be different from one session to the next, and from one systemd version to the next; I can spend hours or days tracking down the process/mount/service in question and finding a workaround, only to have systemd hang on something else the next day. It offers no manual skip option, so unless I happen to be working on a host with systemd's timeouts reconfigured to reduce this problem, I'm stuck with either forcing a power-off or having my time wasted.

                Something about systemd's meddling with cgroups broke the lxc control commands a few years back. To work around the problem, I have to replace every such command I use with something like `systemd-run --quiet --user --scope -p "Delegate=yes" <command>`. That's a PITA that I'm unlikely to ever remember (or want to type) so I effectively cannot manage containers interactively without helper scripts any more. It's also a new systemd dependency, so those helper scripts now also need checks for cgroup version and systemd presence, and a different code path depending on the result. Making matters worse, that systemd-run command occasionally fails even when I do everything "right". What was once simple and easy is now complex and unreliable.

                At some point, Lennart unilaterally decided that all machines accessed over a network must have a domain name. Subsequently, every machine running a distro that had migrated to systemd-resolved was suddenly unable to resolve its hostname-only peers on the LAN, despite the DNS server handling them just fine. Finding the problem, figuring out the cause, and reconfiguring around it wasn't the end of the world, but it did waste more of my time. Repeating that experience once or twice more when systemd behavior changed again and again eventually drove me to a policy of ripping out systemd-resolved entirely on any new installation. (Which, of course, takes more time.) I think this behavior may have been rolled back by now, but sadly, I'll never get my time back.

                There are more examples, but I'm tired of re-living them and don't really want to write a book.

            • pelasaco 8 days ago
              > Systemd has driven me to move systemd-using Linux systems I end up responsible for over to FreeBSD or OpenBSD whenever possible.

              Nice that you privately do it privately. In Enterprise environment however is different, and systemd played an important role in having Linux reaching that level.

          • TacticalCoder 10 days ago
            > Systemd is a step backwards.

            It totally is. I see the appeal: it's, on the surface, easy. But this comes at a cost.

            Turning Linux into Windows by replicating svchost.exe shouldn't be applauded by the Linux community.

            I'm glad the BSDs are still out there and I'm glad there are still non-systemd Linux distros out there and I'm even more glad some systemd distros haven't completely shut the door on moving back away from systemd.

            Do I write a systemd service once in a while? Yup, I do. Is it easy? Kinda, at first. But we shouldn't be too excited about superficial simplicity. Something has been lost in exchange.

            The monster systemd squid spreads its infinite tentacles on everything it touches while being PID 1, making sure that a countless number of current and future exploits (or backdoors) are possible.

            We've got Linux's PID 1 (for most distros) controlled by a MS employee, who replicated Windows' svchost.exe. And people are all excited?

            I personally cannot wait for another, better, init system to come out and replace systemd.

            Meanwhile I'm glad there's choice: OpenBSD, Alpine Linux, Devuan, etc.

            • eropple 10 days ago
              > Turning Linux into Windows by replicating svchost.exe shouldn't be applauded by the Linux community. ... We've got Linux's PID 1 (for most distros) controlled by a MS employee, who replicated Windows' svchost.exe. And people are all excited?

              systemd was pretty consciously patterned after launchd, not svchost. The goal was, and for good reasons, to make Linux behave like a more integrated Unix-like that already existed: MacOS.

              Benno Rice has an excellent presentation on systemd that's worth watching through to the end; unlike most of the table-pounding (and "it's just svchost.exe!!" is exactly that), he provides what I think is a pretty fair--and, interestingly to me, a BSD-grounded--view as to where systemd is strong and is weak. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_AIw9bGogo

              • hedora 10 days ago
                The thing is, I own a mac, and I've never had to touch launchd.

                I've hit severe systemd bugs on 100% of the linux desktop installs I've set up in the last 5-10 years. (examples: "x/wayland session management is broken", "uncached DNS takes 10 seconds to resolve", "this service is masked, and none of the force-unmask paths work", "omg lol no more logs for you", and so on).

                The fact that pid 1 can even be involved in those sorts of userspace bugs shows how broken the architecture is.

                • pelasaco 8 days ago
                  > (examples: "x/wayland session management is broken", "uncached DNS takes 10 seconds to resolve", "this service is masked, and none of the force-unmask paths work", "omg lol no more logs for you", and so on).

                  I used to be release manager for a Linux distro. Mostly, such issues were integration problem and not a systemd problem. In some cases that I worked on, the integration wasnt well-thought, or it was done in some amateurish way which needed actually some extra hours of professional software development to make it "production ready". Unfortunately part of the process of working with open source.

                  • eropple 8 days ago
                    This is one of the downsides of systemd from a community perspective--it's not that it doesn't work; it largely has, and has consistently, for most people and most distros who've adopted it pretty much since the jump! But the bonkers level of partisan poo-flinging by folks who will not simply go off to Devuan or whatever has inculcated an automatic assumption that a system built by some of the most talented folks working in the Linux space simply has to be broken whenever they have a problem.

                    By being ambitious, systemd brought it on itself, but it's frustrating because the conversations don't go anywhere and don't matter.

                • olddustytrail 9 days ago
                  They aren't. You have no idea how init systems work. I've no idea what kind of broken thinking leads you to believe anything you've written.

                  What exactly do you think is running with pid 1 and what do you think that means?

                • CoolCold 9 days ago
                  Oh, Linux on desktop year yet to come- hopefully this will save you ton of efforts and time.
            • rahen 10 days ago
              Take a look at S6 and dinit. They both embody what systemd was intended to be while keeping the portability, technical simplicity and loose coupling.

              You might also want to consider Void and Chimera. Void has a unique combination of technical simplicity, functionality, rolling updates and low maintenance along with some beefy repos. It's close to being the perfect desktop Linux to me.

              Chimera uses dinit, which is closer to systemd's features, whereas Void uses runit, with is more of a minimal viable init + rc.

              • MrDrMcCoy 9 days ago
                They are very interesting for sure, but I'm waiting for the S6 successor that's in development before I switch from systemd. There are a number of things systemd offers that are either easier, better, or unavailable in other tools that keep me happy for now. If the successor ends up being good but still missing those features, I'll try my hand at implementing them for the greater good.
            • jasomill 9 days ago
              Are you referring to svchost.exe, the performance hack that allows multiple Microsoft-supplied services to share a single process, or the Service Control Manager[1], the Windows component responsible for starting and stopping Windows services?

              If the former, I agree that trading off service process isolation for reduced start time and lower resource usage is an optimization that has probably outlived its usefulness and should not be emulated on systems that aren't severely resource-constrained.

              While systemd arguably bundles too much functionality into its own process, AFAIK it doesn't include any mechanisms to support svchost.exe-like behavior in services it controls.

              If the latter, I'd argue that the SCM is actually quite minimalistic, especially in comparison with systemd: it's responsible for starting services in the correct order per a supplied list of dependencies, restarting failed services, notifying services of important lifecycle events — service configuration changes, shutdown requests, network interface status changes, etc. — and that's about it.

              [1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/services/ser...

          • anthk 10 days ago
            I've got ziliions on issues with SystemD. The first one, trying to shut down the machine.
          • ThePowerOfFuet 9 days ago
            >Systemd is a step backwards.

            _A_ step backwards?

      • blueflow 10 days ago
        > I don't see a technical reason why it couldn't have a minimal PID1, and a few setuid programs.

        More detailed: Systemd conflates the init system (PID1) and service supervisor. And as a service supervisor, it isn't really that reliable.

  • blueflow 10 days ago
    Alpine has come cool perk: When a Nix user is flexing about declarative package management, live-edit your /etc/apk/world and run `apk fix` to show them how to do it without Nix.
    • mid-kid 10 days ago
      I generally prefer Gentoo's method: /var/lib/portage/world for manually installed packages, /var/lib/portage/world_sets for selected sets, and sets can be defined in /etc/portage/sets/. This allows you to split your packages into categories and only install certain bits on systems where you need them, as well as add any comments to the files as necessary. The equivalent to `apk fix` is `emerge -uDU @world && emerge -c` which is slightly more unwieldy but oh well.

      Alpine allows something akin to sets by using `apk add -t setname pkg1 pkg2 pkg3`, which creates a dummy package which depends on your package selection. I generally create shell scripts in /etc/apk/sets/ to mimick the Gentoo experience, but it's not always the same.

    • mbrock 10 days ago
      I can reinstall Alpine from scratch in around the time it takes Nix to evaluate my system flake
    • lambdaba 10 days ago
      That's cool but Nix/OS does much more than declarative package installs.
  • jackbravo 10 days ago
    I remember there were some performance-related posts a while ago, about alpine running in docker, recommending people to use debian/ubuntu instead:

    Slow alpine posts: - https://pythonspeed.com/articles/alpine-docker-python/ - https://superuser.com/questions/1219609/why-is-the-alpine-do...

    Pro alpine post: - https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/benchmarking-debian-vs-alpine...

    I wonder if this still holds water.

    • yjftsjthsd-h 9 days ago
      At least a significant chunk of the specific complaints have been fixed. As your first link admits at the very bottom, Alpine-compatible wheels are a thing now, and the DNS thing was fixed a while back. But yes, it would be interesting to benchmark and get actual numbers on the perf side.
  • philjohn 10 days ago
    Doesn't musl still not support pthread_attr_setaffinity_np, which means you can't run some software on it. PyTorch being the biggest.
    • cduzz 10 days ago
      I imagine if you've got some performance sensitive workload that relies on glibc for that performance you would "just" run that application in a container.

      For many situations, performance is a secondary concern relative to simplicity or security.

  • itsmartapuntocm 10 days ago
    Slackware is the happy medium I've found between BSD and Linux. It's unashamedly unix-like and uncomplicated, and has its own rich ports tree through Slackbuilds.
    • DEADMINCE 9 days ago
      Slackware lost it's way when it tried to comepte with desktop distros but didn't really commit to it.

      I used to like it as a minimal distro that just stayed out of my way and considered it oriented towards slightly more technical folk.

      Then the community would be hostile if you were digging in to an issue and didn't do a full install because that's the recommended way. And not doing so would also result in stupid issues due to stupid dependencies like mplayer not working because samba was not installed.

      Alpine is an improvement over Slackware in every way.

    • qzx_pierri 10 days ago
      I respect anyone who uses Slackware, but the lack of dependency management seems tedious.
      • Bluecobra 10 days ago
        I’ve used Slackware for years and slackpkg was pretty handy for this.
        • galangalalgol 10 days ago
          It was my first linux, but I haven't used it in ages. I never found installing from source tgz to be that bad, but dep trees have gotten much deeper over time. I don't think windowmaker had clipboard support when I left it. There is something nice about knowing what every file in your system is for, and being able to read most of them with ed. Alpine scratches that itch for me. I try to sub in anything with a rust equivalent I can. Building rust may have deep trees, but with musl the only runtime dep is usually the kernel itself.
  • trustno2 10 days ago
    Hah, Alpine Linux is actually not GNU/Linux! I didn't know that.

    It's .... Busybox/Linux?

    • ssl-3 9 days ago
      It's fine to just call it Alpine Linux, since (AFAIK) BusyBox isn't associated with the kind of self-aggrandizing assholery that sometimes leaks out of RMS.
      • DEADMINCE 9 days ago
        RMS had a very strong point that GNU should have been getting some credit and was arguably more responsible for the 'linux' experience that linux itself is.
        • ssl-3 8 days ago
          It's a weak argument that resembles bullying more than it does anything else.

          If that kind of crediting was necessary for something like the GNU project to be known and to thrive, then it should have been solved eons ago by including it as a requirement the terms of the GPL instead of by being indignantly recalcitrant about it later on.

          • DEADMINCE 4 days ago
            It's not bullying to fight for deserved credit IMO.
  • vermaden 10 days ago
    I also liked how the '[ok]' moved to the right after GPU drivers have been loaded :)

    - https://rubenerd.com/files/2024/alpine-openrc.png

    Of course its OpenRC related and not Alpine.

    IMHO it would looked more 'nice' if the '[ok]' stayed where they were - at least till 'login:' prompt - but I know that its just implemented in a way that 'write [ok] after space from right side of the screen' and as resolution increased - it happened what happened.

    They could just move the '[ ok ]' or '[fail]' to the left - beginning of the message - that would 'solve' that problem also.

    • Sharlin 10 days ago
      Technically, they could keep track of where each ok/fail was printed and erase and repaint them after the resolution change – if your terminal supports ANSI color it is essentially certain to support cursor movement commands too (inb4 someone counters that they have a color hardcopy terminal!) But I doubt anyone cares enough to implement that.

      I used to think these screenfuls of scrolling diagnostics were super cool and felt like a real hacker when I was 16 years old and first started playing with Linux, a feeling likely shared by many. These days I prefer a minimalistic boot, as long as the diagnostics are easily accessible when there’s a need to debug something. And in that case it doesn’t matter much ehether everything lines up neatly or not.

  • ilhuadjkv 10 days ago
    I've been disto hopping since, i guess the beginning (mid '90s).

    Have been on Alpine for around 18 months now and it's the first time i've EVER thought 'this is my forever distro'

    • yard2010 10 days ago
      What other distros you went through and what were they like? When do you decide to move? Did you ever go back?
    • adamomada 9 days ago
      I’m curious if you tried out Void Linux and later switched to Alpine? I hear similar comments from void users
    • maayank 10 days ago
      What did you especially like in it?
  • cplli 10 days ago
    Alpine is a solid distro for servers from my experience.

    The only bad experiences I've had with it, come from the lack of parity between the x86_64 and aarch64 virt images. So our x86_64 setup doesn't work without building our own image with kernel params and addons. Even ZFS I don't think is built into the virt-aarch64 image.

    All in all, I would recommend more devs/sysadmins to try alpine outside the container world, and run it in test VMs, host servers, etc.

    • hedora 10 days ago
      I haven't had that experience with the aarch64 / x86_64 container images.

      It's good to know it gets a little wobbly in heterogeneous bare metal environments.

      • cplli 10 days ago
        Yes, when using Alpine in a container context you're getting the "MINI ROOT FILESYSTEM" [1] experience; the parity differences are in the kernel (they're easily ""fixable"" and the team is open to enabling things that people actually use, I've opened such issues on their GitLab and they're very active and friendly)

        [1]: https://alpinelinux.org/downloads/

  • chrisweekly 10 days ago
    A couple days ago an HN commenter suggested that use of Alpine is by definition a supply-chain security problem:

    > "Alpine is not full-source-bootstrapped, often imports and trusts external binaries blindly, has no signed commits, no signed reviews, no signed packages, and is not reproducible. It is one phished git account away from a major supply chain attack any day now.

    Alpine chooses low security for low contribution friction. It is the Wikipedia of Linux distros, which granted it a huge package repository fantastic for experimental use and reference, but it is not something sane to blindly trust the latest packages of in production."

    I'd be grateful to hear other expert opinions.

    • DEADMINCE 9 days ago
      > Alpine is not full-source-bootstrapped, often imports and trusts external binaries blindly, has no signed commits, no signed reviews, no signed packages, and is not reproducible.

      Are Void or Chimera any better?

      • q66 9 days ago
        the above is not entirely correct, alpine does have and always had signed packages

        in the other aspects most distros are generally not much or at all better, since all that stuff is hard and takes extra infrastructure

        in chimera we try to make source bootstrap possible and in general not rely on third party executables, but it's not always possible (e.g. some language toolchains were bootstrapped from official binaries originally) and we try to respect best practices for reproducibility (pretty sure alpine does too) but actually verifying it would need dedicated infra/resources, so we don't do it

    • fullspectrumdev 9 days ago
      Getting all those things right costs money to pay developers.

      Alpine aren’t exactly drowning in money, despite so much container shit being built off their backs.

  • 0xbadcafebee 10 days ago
    I use Alpine as my personal laptop OS. There's a lot of unfortunate things, like the fact that a package upgrade or install will often uninstall other packages which your system needs, and you spend half a day fixing it. Package/config backup and restore is a PITA and I still don't quite understand it. Getting a full GUI desktop set up is also a PITA and requires a lot of research and trial and error. Things like Bluetooth Audio seem unnecessarily buggy/difficult. And it takes a while to figure out what isn't going to work with libmusl, and the workarounds thereof. It's also pretty hard to try to contribute to the community.

    But overall, I prefer it to the more bloated modern distros. There's less complexity, it's snappier (I use an old laptop), and nothing gets shoved down your throat. Flatpak makes using 3rd party or bigger glibc apps a breeze. To get 1Password GUI to work using Docker took quite a bit of experimenting but it worked out in the end.

  • _joel 10 days ago
    I found Alpine to be a lot slower than glibc based distros.
    • mid-kid 10 days ago
      I would kill for an Alpine-like distro with glibc instead of musl.
      • ykonstant 10 days ago
        Couldn't you strip void down to the bone? Or is it still too big?
      • buescher 9 days ago
        While we're wishing, I'd like a BSD-like distro with a Linux kernel, GNU userland, and my choice of Motif/CDE or GNUstep as the desktop environment.
    • rany_ 10 days ago
      In terms of what? Boot times?
      • _joel 10 days ago
        Usage, I converted a bunch of containers to it from debian-slim in our fairly large CI/CD setup and it processed workloads noticably slower, despite booting slightly quicker as it's a smaller pull. However, with network speeds nowadays, it was negligible difference and not worth it. Rolled it back to debian-slim.
        • cduzz 10 days ago
          Would these performance concerns be an issue if you were using alpine "on the metal" and debian containers?

          When running complex applications I find it's simplest to "compile" the application into a container thus rendering some tedious complex runtime to a static binary that's trivial to run without worrying about tedious dependency management. It burns a bit of storage but that's not a big deal these days.

          If someone suggested to me "hey I want to run a big PHP / nginx / mysql workload for my startup; should I use alpine?" I'd suggest they find a doctor.

          • _joel 10 days ago
            We're providing a CI/CD system that supports several different departments and teams with varying technology in their stack and a plethora of different pipelines. Some big java projects, python and loads of other batch jobs like spark etc. If only it was as simple as just running it on bare metal. The issue is with muslc, not the hardware.
            • cduzz 10 days ago
              I am pretty comfortable with suggesting one OS as the "hardware" OS and another OS for the userland...

              Alpine's design makes it really well suited to "hardware"; I'd even suggest it's probably a good way to run kubernetes or lxd because it's simple and trivial to provision/customize and not full of vendor nonsense.

              You can use alpine as a "base container" layer, but you'll quickly end up in a world where libc vs musl or "I need a weird package" makes a tiny centos/debian container more appealing. If you've got java or python or ruby or some other complex runtime, just run it in the most commonly used base container and don't go looking for trouble...

      • jiripospisil 10 days ago
        Musl's memory allocator is (was?) subpar compared to glibc's, especially in multi threading contexts.


        • rwaksmunski 10 days ago
          It's a bit better now, but still nowhere near FreeBSD's jemalloc.
  • ersoft 8 days ago
    I've been playing in my homelab in the past year with Illumos (OpenSolaris). After decades of using linux, everything is much simpler, all the linux constant changes are inexistent. Everything which was working in Solaris 10 (15-20y ago), still applies with small modifications today.

    Has support for zones, which in my opinion are 10 steps above docker containers, has builtin ZFS support for root/zones/etc and so on.

    Services are managed using SMF which has the only downside that services are configured using XML but usually if using only the builtin services it is not a problem. SmartOS also has a script to automatically configure the XML file.

    I'm running OmniOS on a couple servers having a few zones each and I also run a SmartOS server for VMs. Launching a VM is a lot easier than on Linux. I can switch between Bhyve and KVM and use a single JSON file to configure all the VM properties and then launch the VM using a single command: vmadm create -f file.json.

    All the networking is done using simple commands such as dladm and ipadm which are using the standard UNIX way.

  • NelsonMinar 10 days ago
    Alpine is a joy. I use it as a very small and lightweight distro for various containers on my Proxmox server.

    I do wish there were a glibc-based Linux that had an emphasis on being small. Not as small as Alpine, of course, but something without systemd and snap and 100MB of files for locales I'll never use.

    • bradfa 10 days ago
      You can always build your own with a distro build system like OpenEmbedded, if you want to have ultimate control.

      But a minbase Debian install is reasonably small by today's standards. Doing this using the Debian installer is not as easy as doing it using a tool like debos if you're trying to build a disk image or file system tarball to make a container (then you don't need the kernel). A Debian bookworm minbase container (no kernel or locales, with ca-certificates, does have systemd) works out to about 71MB gzip compressed or 212MB uncompressed (about 78MB compressed and 235MB uncompressed if you add 1 locale). That's definitely not small but it is *reasonably* small in my book today.

      • NelsonMinar 9 days ago
        oh interesting. The Debian you get using the Proxmox LXC template installs to 540MB. (Compare 10MB Alpine, 178MB OpenSUSE). But I don't think they put any effort into making it a small container. Getting down to 235MB is pretty good.

        (Hilariously, 4MB of Alpine's 10MB is libcrypto.)

        • bradfa 8 days ago
          Busybox replaces a LOT of much larger apps if you’re ok with a much reduced feature set. That’s probably much of the savings.
    • UncleSlacky 9 days ago
      Maybe antiX?
  • geek_at 10 days ago
    Totally in love with Alpine Linux as well. I wrote a few guides how to use it, including making a minimal file server [1] or hoow to PXE boot Alpine Linux with NFS storage and even Desktop Environments [2]

    Also in my homelab I have a Docker Swarm system on multiple Lenovo Tiny nodes which all run Alpine Linux because it has much less overhead compared to Ubuntu or even Debian

    [1] https://blog.haschek.at/2020/the-perfect-file-server.html

    [2] https://blog.haschek.at/2019/build-your-own-datacenter-with-...

  • rjst01 10 days ago
    Huge Alpine fanboy myself. I love that a clean install has less than ten processes and I know what they all do. The community is also very good at building packages that "just work" - the article points out ZFS, but also docker, podman, libvirt are trivially installable.

    > Perhaps the package I was most surprised about was zfs. ... What that would look like after an upgrade I’d have to see, but thus far I’m impressed.

    I can confirm it works smoothly. I've observed that the ZFS package is updated whenever the kernel is updated.

  • CoolCold 9 days ago
    > dmesg(1) informs you you’re running OpenRC! ...

    > At the risk of embellishing my feelings about this, it is such a relief that there are Linux distros like Devuan, Gentoo, and Alpine using this. It’s a breath of alpine air, and has legitimately made Linux fun again.

    What kind of fun I'm missing by using systemd as init system? Couple examples of those who used it, would be interesting to see

  • robertlagrant 10 days ago
    > It’s (OpenRC) a breath of alpine air, and has legitimately made Linux fun again.

    I sort of understand this instinctively, but what actually makes it fun?

    • klysm 10 days ago
      People love applying arcane knowledge like writing shells scripts to do things. The hard and complex way is fun.
      • tarxvf 10 days ago
        Wait, shell scripts are "arcane"?
        • npteljes 10 days ago
          For sure. It's decades of legacy, many different versions, footguns and caveats everywhere. I personally like to tinker with it, but I also have to look up basic things like "how to write a for loop" or "how to compare numbers" constantly.
          • DEADMINCE 9 days ago
            That doesn't mean shell scripts are arcane, it just means you don't write shell scripts often enough.
            • npteljes 9 days ago
              I think it's both.
              • DEADMINCE 8 days ago
                It's not. Shell scripts are still very much actively used and developed.
                • klysm 8 days ago
                  That doesn’t make them not arcane
                  • DEADMINCE 7 days ago
                    Yes, it does. By definition.
                    • npteljes 6 days ago
                      Here is the usage of arcane that I think is apt when talking about shell scripting:


                      " known or understood by very few; mysterious; secret; obscure; esoteric "

                      And as an example for something arcane, the Sanskrit language is brought up. I think this is a perfect example to compare with shell scripting. Sanskrit is from an era where it was more common, but nowadays it's usage is more of a specialty. The rules are understood and public, easily accessible technically, but it's hard work to get good at it. Since it has a long history, it has many variants, both over time, and depending on locality. There is a kind of common form of it that people can use for everyday matters, that is much easier than knowing all of the rules and cases.

                      I think it's a good argument that shell scripting is arcane, even by investigating the definition of it. Not to mention that in the original post, it was just postulated that shell scripting is a bit weird, and maybe not the best tool for the job, a kind of a lighthearted jab at the language, and at the practices people sometimes do.

                      • DEADMINCE 4 days ago
                        Shell scripting is not "known or understood by very few", it's widely understood by a great many people. It's one of the most common programming languages. It is by definition not arcane. It simply can't be with how widespread and popular it is.

                        The comparison with Sanskrit doesn't make sense, given shell scripting is still in wide use currently.

                        It's fine to think shell scripting is a bit weird, but it's just absolutely and unambiguous wrong to say it is arcane, especially by the definition.

        • nesarkvechnep 10 days ago
          Everything besides YAML is arcane these days.
        • klysm 10 days ago
          Absolutely. Anything like bash is not a good language IMO.
          • dooglius 10 days ago
            "arcane" is not at all the same thing as "not good", anyone who uses a command line is writing bash
            • kelnos 9 days ago
              "Arcane" means "requiring secret or mysterious knowledge". I think there are quite a few features of bash that qualify as arcane. I've been writing shell scripts for decades and I still have to look up how to do certain things often enough.

              And if you want to write in portable shell, remembering all the rules and things you can and cannot do feels somewhat arcane to me.

            • klysm 9 days ago
              Sure, but they aren't really writing what I would consider a script/program under typical usage. Obviously that's a fuzzy definition if you start piping things together, but I'm talking more about control flow / parsing argument / etc. Doing that in bash correctly does require arcane knowledge and skills. It is immensely difficult to not shoot yourself in the foot.
        • Sharlin 10 days ago
          They definitely are.
      • robertlagrant 10 days ago
        Is that really it? I use systemd at work and still have plenty of scripts to write getting my Debian packages to configure themselves correctly :)
        • klysm 10 days ago
          I think it’s definitely a contributing factor. Folks conflate simplicity with familiarity. It also just feels good to apply knowledge you worked hard to gain.
    • vundercind 10 days ago
      Legibility. Good UI.

      Those are what I liked about OpenRC when I ran Gentoo for a few years in the ‘00s, anyway. Only init system I’ve ever actually liked.

      • klysm 9 days ago
        What exactly about shell scripts do you find legible? Control flow and error handling in shell scripts is a complete disaster.
        • vundercind 9 days ago
          As a user, I mean. It was very easy to tell what it was doing, understand why, and was pleasant to interact with the tools for managing that. I rarely write init scripts.
  • omani 10 days ago
    Alpine Linux is my daily driver on my workstation and laptop. All my machines look the same thanks to chezmoi. I think about switching to FreeBSD though, because of bhyve (vm-bhyve). Want to give it a try. Curious if it can replace my LXD environment.
  • LeFantome 7 days ago
    I wonder what they would think of Chimera Linux:


  • vermaden 10 days ago
    Its all nice and small, etc. but its Apples to Oranges comparison.

    On FreeBSD You have ZFS with ZFS Boot Environments - which gives GREAT flexibility and protection against all kind od updates, changes and even accidental files deletion in the system. Moving to 'oldschool' LVM and EXT4 is just a huge downgrade. Especially without any advanced features such as compression or snapshots or clones or ... all the other wonders from ZFS.

    As from the busybox ... You can also use it on FreeBSD - its under 'sysutils/busybox' port ... and FreeBSD has 'kinda' itself busybox-like solution - its called FreeBSD Rescue System and its located at /rescue. It contains one executable file 17 MB in size (and ZFS lz4 makes that 11 MB) with hardlinks as commands - including all needed ZFS commands - which BusyBox obviously does not have.

        FreeBSD % % du -sm /rescue               
        11      /rescue
        FreeBSD % du -smA /rescue
        17      /rescue
        FreeBSD % ls /rescue
        [            dhclient          gbde        kldstat         mt            rmdir      umount
        bectl        dhclient-script   geom        kldunload       mv            route      unlink
        bsdlabel     disklabel         getfacl     ldconfig        nc            routed     unlzma
        bunzip2      dmesg             glabel      less            newfs         rrestore   unxz
        bzcat        dump              gpart       link            newfs_msdos   rtquery    unzstd
        bzip2        dumpfs            groups      ln              nextboot      rtsol      vi
        camcontrol   dumpon            gunzip      ls              nos-tun       savecore   whoami
        cat          echo              gzcat       lzcat           pgrep         sed        xz
        ccdconfig    ed                gzip        lzma            ping          setfacl    xzcat
        chflags      ex                halt        md5             ping6         sh         zcat
        chgrp        expr              head        mdconfig        pkill         shutdown   zdb
        chio         fastboot          hostname    mdmfs           poweroff      sleep      zfs
        chmod        fasthalt          id          mkdir           ps            stty       zpool
        chown        fdisk             ifconfig    mknod           pwd           swapon     zstd
        chroot       fetch             init        more            rcorder       sync       zstdcat
        clri         fsck              ipf         mount           rdump         sysctl     zstdmt
        cp           fsck_4.2bsd       iscsictl    mount_cd9660    realpath      tail
        csh          fsck_ffs          iscsid      mount_msdosfs   reboot        tar
        date         fsck_msdosfs      kenv        mount_nfs       red           tcsh
        dd           fsck_ufs          kill        mount_nullfs    rescue        tee
        devfs        fsdb              kldconfig   mount_udf       restore       test
        df           fsirand           kldload     mount_unionfs   rm            tunefs
    The MUSL also limits some things - but that is topic for another discussion.

    ... and do not get me wrong - I like Alpine (same as Void or Gentoo or Devuan) - its just not the same thing.

    ... and its even possible to setup Alpine with root on ZFS - https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Alp... - it will just take a quite large amount of work while on FreeBSD you just select 'Auto (ZFS)' installer option and hit enter.

    Hope that helps.

    • aeadio 8 days ago
      Worth mentioning aside Alpine (and other small Linuxes) supporting ZFS just fine, we also have ZFSBootMenu, which is frankly a hell of a lot better than the boot environment experience in FreeBSD.


      From within the bootloader's interactive (fzf-based) menu, you can:

          * Select boot environment (and change the default boot environment)
          * Select specific kernels within each boot environment (and change the default kernel)  
          * Edit kernel command line temporarily  
          * Roll back boot environments to a previous snapshot  
          * Rewind to a pool checkpoint  
          * Create, destroy, promote and orphan boot environments  
          * Diff boot environments to some previous snapshot to see all file changes  
          * View pool health / status  
          * Jump into a chroot of a boot environment  
          * Get a recovery shell with a full suite of tools available including zfs and zpool, in addition to many helper scripts for managing your pool/datasets and getting things back into a working state before either relaunching the boot menu, or just directly booting into the selected dataset/kernel/initrd pair.
      It also supports 100% of ZFS features that the host system supports, since it uses the ZFS kmod. That includes native encryption.
      • vermaden 7 days ago
        I have seen what ZFSBootMenu can do and I really like it.

        Its just 'crazy' to me that there are ZERO Linux distributions that install as root on ZFS with ZFSBootMenu and enabled ZFS Boot Environments.

        None. Zero. Why?

        • aeadio 7 days ago
          They're afraid of the hypothetical legal threat from Oracle, which largely seems to come from a lot of license misinterpretation and urban myth.

          Seems like the only ones that have ventured to ship a ZFS binary are Canonical, and their implementation seems to be done by people that didn't understand ZFS and have no interest in understanding it.

          It's really a shame. OpenZFS on Linux really has excellent support and integration, arguably as good as or better than FreeBSD and Illumos, and has this excellent bootloader.

          Still, ZFS has good out-of-tree support in distros like Void and Alpine, where the users can take it upon themselves to do a good root-on-ZFS setup and reap the benefits.

    • hedora 10 days ago
      I can imagine ZFS taking lots of space, but liblz4 is only 123KiB on current-ish ubuntu:

         $ ls -lh /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblz4.so.1.9.3 
         -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 123K Mar 24  2022 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblz4.so.1.9.3
         $ ldd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblz4.so.1.9.3 
             linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffd3df82000)
             libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007fe560800000)
             /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007fe560b81000)
      • adamomada 9 days ago
        To clarify, he’s noting that the binary is reduced to 11 MB with ZFS compression, not that liblz4 is 11 MB. HTH
  • lucabs 10 days ago
  • jayde2767 10 days ago
    Original Article:

    "was booting it on a VM at work, before realising I misread Dom0 as DomU...former refers to a Xen hypervisor, not a guest...it booted and installed the same as a standard ISO."

    For so many of us that would be an automatic fireable offense. I hope OP has the autonomy to do that and remain unscathed.

    *Edit: Reformatted

    • Symbiote 10 days ago
      Can you elaborate? I'm not familiar with Xen, and I don't see the connection to getting fired for making the 'wrong' VM.
      • crote 10 days ago
        Running personal toy VMs on work servers is generally frowned upon.
        • tmottabr 10 days ago
          it is not always frowned upon. It is a big NO in prod servers.

          But most companies have less critical or testing environments available where people have some more space to play with.

          And some teams like support, QA, Dev, etc usually have their own vm servers available to play with.

          Where i work support analysts even had their personal servers they could do whatever they wanted, within reason of course. They still have access to VMs at AWS that they can start and destroy at will, but now there is just a few base images to choose from.

    • Sharlin 10 days ago
      Not sure what that means either, but boy American firing culture sure is crazy.
      • msla 9 days ago
        It certainly is if you're motivated to take random Internet comments seriously.
    • alimbada 10 days ago
      If booting an ISO in a controlled test environment (implied by author specifying they are booting on a VM) is a "fireable offence" where you work then I pity you for having to work in such a draconian environment.