Court Filing on TikTok Ban


22 points | by 10000truths 11 days ago


  • impossiblefork 11 days ago
    Skimming this filing, I really can't see how one could not decide in favour of TikTok.

    It'd have to be the strangest judgement in the world.

    • bennettnate5 11 days ago
      If history has anything to say, courts find very creative ways to allow otherwise baseless laws to stand when national security is in question (which is really why Tik Took is even being singled out in the first place). The question comes down to whether the judges believe that TikTok represents a legitimate threat of propaganda to the US to warrant the action.
      • throwaway199956 11 days ago
        But the First Ammendment really does say "Congress shall make no law .." without any caveats for national security or even war-time exemptions.
      • impossiblefork 11 days ago
        I agree in part, but this is a think a couple of steps too far. Many allowances are made for security, but I'm not sure this is in fact justified by actual security concerns.

        There's also too large a mass of objections. If they actually decide in favour of the government I can't see how this will not mess up basically all US law. Essentially, if this goes, then anything goes.

      • CMCDragonkai 11 days ago
        Anything can be justified in the name of security. That's literally how every single democratic government collapsed into dictatorship.
  • gnabgib 11 days ago
    Ongoing discussion [0] (14 points, 2 hours ago, 14 comments)


  • alephnerd 11 days ago
    Huh, so it begins.

    This will have a massive impact on the passage of the RESTRICT and GUARD Acts